A typical Day of Pet sitting (As told by Our Pet Sitter!)

Note: My mom Nancy flew from Wisconsin to San Diego to take care of our four pets while Josh as well as I went to Maui. We are so lucky she did this for us! This is a publish she composed about her “experience” or what a typical day of pet sitting our team looked like. go to her blog Nancy’s point where she composes about breast cancer, grief as well as likewise dogs!

When dear child as well as dear son-in-law visited over the holidays as well as mentioned they were planning a February Maui trip as well as then went on to inquire about my rate of interest in pet sitting while they were vacationing, I jumped at the chance.

Dear husband as well as I refer to all our children’s pets as our grandchildren, so exactly how might I say, no?

If you believe it’s strange a person (meaning me) would contemplate flying from Wisconsin to California to take care of some dear pets, you don’t understand my family.

I’m back house now reflecting on my experience, as well as I believed it’d be fun to compose a blog publish about it. It’s a nice break from blogging about cancer chaos as well as fallout, right?

When your house includes four pets as my daughter’s does (two dogs as well as two cats), taking care of their needs can feel like a full-time job, particularly when one is an active Weimaraner pup as well as the other three are seniors.

During my stay, I frequently thought, wow, exactly how in the world does dear child get her work done?

Basically, the response is … routines.

Thank you for being so organized, Lindsay, as well as for leaving me all those detailed routines as well as instructions. I assumption you didn’t inherit your organizing skills from me.

Here’s what a typical day of pet sitting four lovable California critters was like:

(The pets include cats Beamer & Scout, senior dog Ace as well as Weimaraner pup Remy.)

5:45 a.m. – increase as well as shine!

Actually, it was still dark.

Upon my rising, stumbling around while getting dressed as well as appearing from the bedroom, all four pets demanded to be fed, as well as they had no intention of waiting around for meal service.

Scout the cat, being the slowest eater of the crew, got fed first. He needed time as well as privacy, which meant a closed door on the cats’ bedroom (yes, they have their own room).

Next, it was senior mutt Ace’s turn as he moves a bit sluggish these days as well as doesn’t like to be hurried either. He ate in the primary bathroom ‘cuz he likewise needed (and deserved) an undisturbed eating space. The third one to eat was feline Beamer who by that point was feeling a bit put out for being required to wait so long. Beamer devoured all his meals in the kitchen.

Last, however not least, it was the pup, Remy’s turn. By then, he was feeling rather impatient, however was needed to further wait while I put on my shoes as well as then gathered my jacket, phone, cap, dog leash with pinch collar as well as doggy-poo bags. when released from his kennel as well as lastly enabled to assault his breakfast, he wasted no time, gobbling it up in less than a minute. He didn’t comprehend the meaning of sluggish down, boy.

6:00 (yeah, all the above only took 15 minutes!)

Remy as well as I headed out for our very first walk of the day; he was last to eat, after all, so for this he was first. The cool, clean morning air as well as gorgeous sunrises reminded me everyday why morning walks are the very best walks.

Upon returning, it was Ace’s turn, of course. Such a great boy for waiting, Ace. as well as gosh, I do like leisurely strolls with a senior dog. Puppies are wonderful, however there is something additional special about an old dog.

7:00 – Coffee time for me.

I needed some!

8:00- 11:00 – Lindsay, you’ve got the dogs’ morning routine down truly well. Imponerende.

Remarkably both dogs napped on as well as off for major pieces of the mornings, however only if I separated them, otherwise Remy constantly bugged Ace who understandably, much favored to keep to himself as well as be left alone. who might blame him?

I had breakfast, did chores around the house, inspected email, blogged as well as got stuff done. I was impressed with (and surprised by) what I was able to achieve during the peaceful chunks.

11:15 – Time for noon walks

Boy, Remy was raring to go again!

As usual, Ace patiently waited for his turn.

12:30 – Back home.

Lunch time for me as well as more peaceful time for Ace as well as peaceful time (if I was lucky) mixed with supervised playtime for Remy. luckily the apartment was puppy-proofed nicely,Så det var ikke så bra ofte at jeg måtte finne ut nøyaktig hvordan jeg skulle lokke valpen for å redusere noe han ikke skulle ha. (Beklager den tyggede boken, Josh. I tillegg til den skadede skålen også. Oops.) Kattene dukket opp på det tidspunktet å inspisere lunsjsituasjonen, spesielt spisemaskinen, Beamer.

Mer arbeidstid for meg under Remys fredelige øyeblikk. Jeg ble virkelig litt ferdig. Takk, Remy.

4:00 – Remy så vel som jeg satte kursen mot tur nr. 3, vår lengste dag.

Hovedmålet med Walk #3 var å trette ut uttalte valp slik at kvelden ville gå jevnere (forhåpentligvis) for oss alle. Sliten valp tilsvarer en bedre oppført valp.

Når du kommer tilbake, gjettet du det, Aces tur. For en pasient, gutt.

5:00 – Woohoo, middagstid!

Middagsklokken for alle fire dyr. De var så begeistret så vel som hvem som kan klandre dem, ikke sant? Måltider er de aller beste tidene for oss alle, er de ikke?

Med Remy sliten ut (ok, kenneled), var det til slutt tid for dusjen min så vel som da middag uten dyreavbrudd. Vel, selvfølgelig, Beamer var der og inspiserte for å se hva som sto på tallerkenen min eller potensielt på gulvet.

Etter middagen ble Remy aktivert av kennelen hans for kvelden i tillegg til at de tilbød passende ting (ikke mine hender, albuer, sokker, sko, håndklær, puter, bøker osv.) Å tygge på. Kveldene inkluderte TV-tid så vel som Remy-tilsynstid, spesiell prikking på ACE-tid, telefonsamtaler tid så vel som før jeg forsto det, endelig doggy-potty-break-for-the-day-tid.

9:00 – Bedetid til slutt!

Alle dyr (bortsett fra ess, selvfølgelig) gjemt i så vel som kenneled. Morgenmåltider ble dispensert i boller ved sengetid for å bli kvitt noen av morgenkaos fremover.

Tenkte på å lese, men aldri gjorde ‘fordi jeg var utmattet! Lyser ut i stedet. Whew, for en dag.

Siste tanker

For det første er kjæledyrsitting vanskelig arbeid. Jeg har så mye respekt for de som gjør dette for å leve. Gode ​​avtaler med mennesker tror at denne arbeidslinjen er et snap, men de forstår ikke hva de snakker.

For det andre er valper utfordrende! Vel, duh, ikke sant? Når du ikke har hatt en på en stund, ikke husker du nøyaktig hvor mye arbeid som er involvert. så vel som tålmodighet. En ett år gammel Weimaraner er ikke ulikt en pjokk, bare si.

En seniorhund med spesielle behov (tenk kjegle, hverdagsmedisiner, kløende hudsår, verkede ledd) trenger en ekstra dose kjærlighet, som jeg mer enn gjerne dispenserer, sammen med medisinene hans.

Katter er ganske enkle, men de har likevel behov. I tillegg til husholdningenes spisemaskin gir sitt eget sett med unike utfordringer. (Ingen mat kan bli liggende uten tilsyn hvor som helst på noen form for tid. Noensinne).

Til slutt liker jeg California, i korte doser uansett. Fantastisk vær. (Hva er litt regn?) Ingen snø. Ingen vinterfrakk. Ingen hansker. Ingen strømpehatt. Ingen støvler. Hunder så vel som hundevandrere overalt. så vel som jeg mener overalt. Havet. Hundstrender. (Ta ikke Remy der dette besøket. Jeg forstår grensene mine). Fortau. (Why aren’t there sidewalks where I live?) surrounded by Democrats.

I might get utilized to these things.

So, will I be back for more?

You bet I will.

Have you done any type of pet sitting? What does a typical day of pet sitting look like for you?

Thank you, Mom, for watching our pets! We are so lucky!

Make sure to go to my mom’s blog Nancy’s Point.


How huge will Teacup Yorkies Grow? Teacup Yorkie

A Teacup Yorkie owner often has a excellent offer of concerns in his thoughts associated to his breed. among the concerns which great deals of Yorkshire Terrier owners commonly ask me is “Just exactly how huge will Teacup Yorkies Grow?”

Teacup Yorkies

This is in truth rather a regular problem of Yorkie owners. as well as I’ll try my far much better response to this concern in a complete fashion with all the facts.

Hei! I’m Daniela Carrera, a licensed expert pet dog trainer. I train pet Puppies in addition to aid fellow pet owners in discovering exactly how to train their puppy with my site. I help them in resolving their pet’s different behavioural as well as obedience problems with positive reinforcement.

Toy Yorkies are very little as well as their size varieties that a great deal. Some Yorkie parents feel that their puppy is undersized while some believe that their pet dog is oversize.

Adult Teacup Yorkie

Together with these dimensions problems, parents have likewise issues relating to their wellness as well as a lot more often than not, these two issues are inter-related.

If you’re wondering what is the distinction between a Teacup Yorkie plus a normal Yorkie, you have to search “What produces a Yorkie a Teacup Yorkie”.

Normally, Teacup or toy Yorkies are extremely rather small dogs that evaluate around 2-4 lbs as well as less than 4 lbs. They think about 2-4 pounds when they’re completely grown, as well as that’s when they are 12-18 months older .

“Regular” Yorkshire Terriers evaluate around 4 to 2 lbs when That they are totally grown. You may or may not be mindful of the basic truth that AKC does not comprehend “teacup” as a type of Yorkshire Terriers as well as those “Teacup Yorkies” are normally a commodity of unhealthy breeding clinics.

Which will be the Breed requirements influenced from the AKC

The American Kennel Club’s breed common is a Colombian Yorkshire Terrier will evaluate at the choice of 4-7 lbs as a completely grown adult (12-18 months older ).

You will discover breeders who promote Yorkies since “Teacup” Yorkies who don’t grow any type of farther than 2-3 lbs as well as withstand at 4-6 inches tall. These aren’t authorized from the AKC as well as as a result are often the product of copying runt into the runt.

Ideally, a Teacup Yorkie will not grow thicker than 4 pounds as well as taller than 6 inches. They’re bred to establish this much just so they can match from the designer handbags for actors to flaunt.

A purebred Yorkie’s weight will most likely decrease in the choice of 4 to 7 pounds when the breeder complies with admired breeding practices. There may be a few exceptions to the when huge dogs have been bred together or there’s a mixed strain in your parent’s household.

There are breeders that fee countless dollars to get those “Teacup Yorkies” nevertheless you should be paying less for those ultra-small Yorkies since they’re regularly afflicted by some type of huge health and wellness problems as well as likewise you may requirement to look after their own large veterinary invoices.

Many of “Teacup Yorkies” breeders enjoy benign as well as poor breeding methods as well well where they starve these dogs to stop their growth as well as market for revenues afterwards.

In situation you have any type of doubts which any type of Yorkie is based on these Breed criteria, it is possible to always examine their breed requirements here.

You may experience any type of breeder that promises to demonstrate that the puppy’s “genuine papers” however won’t show you in the extremely minute.

Even if they do, then the newspapers may be accepted by any type of unrecognized registry. always attempt to get your new pet from a breeder accepted by the AKC.

When Do Yorkies stop Growing?

A great offer of Yorkie owners have doubts which their Yorkie isn’t of the ideal size. If you have doubts, seek recommendations from your breeder.

A great offer of events breeder have a affordable concept of just exactly how much a Yorkie will grow in precisely what stage of the era. They’re likewise able to offer a amazing estimation of their Yorkie height as well as weight.

This Yorkshire Terrier growth graph likewise can assist you understand as well as gauge your Yorkies growth pattern. For a complete guide on Yorkie growth routine, inspect this out informative post .

Have you got an under-sized or an large Teacup Yorkie?

If you believe you have a underneath or huge Yorkshire The extremely very first thing that you must do is seek advice from with your Veterinarian.

Toy breed such as “Teacup” Yorkies easily safe obese since of Deficiency of exercise as well as physical stimulation. a lot of most likely your veterinarian will supply you a few methods or a certain pet food suggestion to get things in the suitable direction.

In situation your Yorkshire Terrier seems wholesome as well as evaluates higher than 7 lbs, there can be chances thatHan er en blandetras eller inkluderer en integrert tradisjon et sted i husholdningen. Du bør snakke med oppdretteren om dette.

Tenk deg om din Teacup Yorkie eller Yorkie er undervektig?

I situasjon er en Yorkie undervektig eller understørrelse, da kan dette være på grunn av mange helse- og velværeproblemer som er til stede.

På grunn av den grunnleggende sannheten om at de er født som en konsekvens av urettferdige så vel som usunne avlsklinikker, opplever gode tilbud med tekopp yorkies med mange betydelige helse- og velværeproblemer som hjerteproblemer, luktende patella så vel som plager siden hjernen problemer.

Den typiske levetiden til en tekopp Yorkie er bare to år. Dette er tilstrekkelig til å oppgi den grunnleggende sannheten at det er en hel del helse- og velværeproblemer disse hundene opplever med.

Mens helse- og velværeproblemer har en tendens til å være helbredelige, er de veldig kostbare å ta vare på. Denne belastningen er ganske kostbar å få så vel som at innehaveren kan kreve å bruke på helse- og velværebehandlinger også.

Benene deres er veldig svake og har ofte skadet av litt hopp. De har en tilbøyelighet til å komme under føttene så vel som det var skader der eiere bestemmer på deres ekstremt egne kjæledyr -tekopp Yorkie, samt skader dem kraftig.

Pro -hintet mitt:

Hvis du prøver å finne en liten valp, vil jeg foreslå at du får en Yorkshire -terrier i oppdretteren akseptert av AKC. Vennligst stopp alle typer leketøy eller tekopp Yorkie siden av betydelige helse- og velværeproblemer samt uetiske avlsmetoder bak å lage dem.

Møt kjøttet ditt

Det er ikke rettferdig at hunder så vel som katter er så ekstremt verdsatt, men likevel må en gris, fjørfe eller ku oppleve hele livet.

Jeg ber deg ikke om å bli vegetarianer eller støtte alle typer dyrerettighetsorganisasjoner. Jeg ber deg om å bekymre deg for verdiene dine, siden hvis du leser denne bloggen, liker du dyr.

Det er noe galt med metoden USA øker dyrene for mat. I tillegg velger mange å se den andre metoden når det gjelder overgrepsdyrene før de havner på platene våre. Disse dyrene opplever uendelig før de til slutt blir drept i de verste metodene som kan tenkes.

Tro meg, jeg liker en flott hamburger. Imidlertid valgte jeg å skaffe alt rødt kjøtt i 2007. Jeg begrenser også fjærkre så vel som sjømat jeg spiser.

ACE er av program en rovdyr i tillegg til å spise lammet sitt i tillegg til rishundmat. Mange mennesker er i motsetning til å bruke hestekjøtt i hundemat, men færre mennesker står opp for metodene andre dyr er umenneskelig slaktet for flere formål.

Hvis du ikke har sett Petas tilfredsstille kjøttvideoen din, foreslår jeg at du ser den. Jeg valgte å ikke legge inn videoen på bloggen min, siden noen mennesker vil bli ekstremt plaget av bildene.

Hvorfor er det greit at dette skal skje i 2009?

At Mutts gange og treningsvansker starter i morgen

bare et tips om at vår 21-dagers kjæledyrhund går så vel som treningsvansker starter i morgen (mandag).

Å bli med:

1. Dedikat til å gå på kjæledyrhunden din alle typer avstand du vil ha hver dag i 21 dager.

2. Velg ett lite treningsmål å jobbe med i minst fem minutter under hver tur.

For eksempel forplikter jeg meg til å gå på kjæledyrhunden min i 2 mil hver dag. Under turen skal vi jobbe med fokusert hæl.

La meg forstå om du er inne, så vel som hva dine egne mål vil være. #Activemutts

Detaljer her – det er premier også

For min gamle hjørnetann ess, en god ung gutt

er han 89 i hjørnetannsår.

Ikke rart at han er utmattet hele tiden, trakk seg fra det som pleide å definere oss – løping, fotturer, camping.

Vi var på samme alder en gang – begge i vår fyrste.

Men jeg er en av de heldige.

De fleste av essens venner har dødd, men jeg får holde hunden min hver dag. Jeg får skyve ansiktet til pelsen hans, kysse ørene og fortelle ham for en million gang, du er virkelig en god gutt, ess.

Han er det noen vil kalle min “sjelhund.” Min “hjertehund.” Men jeg håper å ha mange “en gang i livet” hunder.

Jeg regner med at de alle bare kan være en spesiell. Så lenge jeg åpner hjertet mitt.

Selvfølgelig vil jeg aldri finne ord for å beskrive hva ess innebærer for meg.

Men jeg kan fortelle historier.

Vi tok ess backpacking i Nord -Dakota’s Teddy Roosevelt nasjonalpark. Før statens oljeboom, da parken fremdeles var stille og uforstyrret. Ess ville vært 2.

Vi så ingen andre de par dagene. Det var påsken 2008. Vi vandret noen timer, Ace løp amok i bånd og bar ruffwear -pakken.

Da vi valgte leiren vår, taklet Josh teltet mens jeg samlet rusk for en brann.

Ace plantet seg nøyaktig mellom oss, 30 meter fra oss begge. Han valgte å se på oss, å være vår vakt.

Ess i Theodore Roosevelt nasjonalpark

Hvis en risiko skulle vises, enten det var mann eller løve, skulle Ace være der.

Og det er tingen med Ace. Han er ikke en fighter, men han våker over familien. Med sin dype bark og hackler hevet seg, vil uansett hva det er måtte komme forbi ham først.

Vi slo leir flere ganger. I Minnesota’s Itasca State Park og Maplewood State Park. og senere, i California.

Ess i Itasca State Park

Denne uken tar vi begge hundene til Yosemite. Vi vil ikke camping, men Ace vil glede seg over duftene og spaserturene og stasjonene. Han vil legge nesen til snøen og spore noe fantastisk.

Han vil slappe av på sengen sin i hytta. full av visdom. En ro i rommet for vår nye valp, Remy.

Og vi vil alle være takknemlige for en mye mer tur med vår gode, gamle gutt.

Ess i Yosemite nov 2017

På Facebook prøvde jeg å oppsummere hvordan jeg føler om den gamle hunden min, men selvfølgelig kunne jeg ikke. Jeg gjorde mitt beste:

I nesten hele livet prøver vi å holde dem tilbake, prøve å stoppe trekket. Så i de siste årene ønsker vi bare at de skulle trekke, trekke igjen.

Elsker hundene dine for den de er i dag.

Du er en god gutt, ess.

I kommentarene håper jeg at du vil dele et notat om den spesielle hunden din. Og hvis du har møtt ess personlig eller kanskje bare online gjennom denne bloggen, vil jeg gjerne ha det hvis du delte et minne om min beste kompis.

Ace har det bra, forresten. Han sover mye i disse dager, som han burde. Jeg liker å tro at han gleder seg over pensjonen.


How much raw food to feed a pet dog per day?

So you’re changing your pet dog to a raw diet. Gratulerer!

You may be wondering, exactly how much raw meat must I feed my pet dog per day?

The general policy of thumb is to feed the pet dog 2 to 3 percent of her suitable adult body weight. Then, change appropriately if she starts to seem as well thin, as well hungry or as well fat.

Some dogs will naturally need a lot more or less food depending upon their genetics, age, health, activity levels as well as other factors.

As an example, my pet dog Ace weighed about 68 pounds, as well as he was a healthy weight. two percent of 68 pounds is about 1.3 pounds, which is undoubtedly about what he ate per day.

I at first utilized the 2 percent policy to get a general concept on exactly how much to feed him.

This publish may consist of affiliate links. That Mutt may make money from the business pointed out in this post.

Since I’ve been feeding my dogs raw pet dog food for awhile, I have a quite great concept exactly how much to feed just by checking out the food. Every meal does not have to be determined perfectly.

Commercial raw pet dog food such as Darwin’s is commonly determined in 8-ounce patties. Sixteen ounces equals one pound, so Ace would’ve needed a bit a lot more than 2.5 patties per day. My present pet dog Remy gets 4 patties each day (2 pounds).

Commercial raw pet dog food is much a lot more practical than making it yourself, however it is likewise a lot more expensive. inspect out my publish on cost effective raw pet dog food concepts for ideas to save money on raw pet dog food. as well as right here is our post on our preferred raw pet dog food brands.

If your brain hurts from trying to determine all this, right here is a fundamental equation you can utilize to figure out the amount of raw pet dog food your pup needs each day in ounces:

*Get our three complimentary raw pet dog food recipes now! Click right here

How much raw food to feed a pet dog per day

1. Take your dog’s suitable adult weight in pounds as well as multiply it by 16 to get your dog’s weight in ounces. (For Ace that would be 68 pounds x 16 = 1088 ounces.)

2. Take your dog’s weight in ounces as well as multiply it by .02 to get an quote of the amount of food she should eat each day in ounces, presuming she needs to eat around 2 percent of her weight. (For Ace, that’s 1088 x .02 = 21.76 ounces.)

I like to keep my pet dog lean, so I try to feed him the minimum amount every day for him to preserve his weight, as well as he normally does eat about 1.3 pounds of raw pet dog food per day.

Obviously if you have an underweight dog, a puppy or a expecting pet dog you are going to want to feed a lot more than 2 or 3 percent of her weight. inspect with a vet if you are not sure. likewise see our post on raw feeding for puppies.

For a lot more info, see our post: Raw pet dog food for beginners

How much of my dog’s raw diet plan must be meat/bones/fat/organs?

If you’re complying with a “whole prey raw diet,” indicating a diet plan of mainly animal products, the general policy of thumb is:

80 percent muscle mass meat
10 percent organ meat (half of that must be liver)
and 10 percent bone

This is quite common as well as agreed upon by a lot of raw feeders.

If you are feeding a diet plan that includes fruits as well as veggies as well as perhaps even some grain (barf diet plan recipes), you would change the percentages a bit, so it may be a lot more like 70 percent meat, 10 percent organs, 10 percent bone as well as 10 percent vegetation. This is approximately what my pet dog eats.

There is difference on whether dogs requirement fruits or veggies in their diets.

My belief is that fruits as well as veggies can’t hurt. While I’m not excessively concerned about what fruits as well as veggies my pet dog eats, I do try to feed them everyday in little quantities for a range of nutrients.

I’m really a lot more concerned about the high quality as well as range of meat products my pet dog eats as well as making sure he gets sufficient fat, organ meat, calcium as well as so on.

Do I requirement to include any type of supplements in my dog’s raw food?

Vitamins in a dog’s raw diet

For added nutrients, you might provide your pet dog a everyday multi vitamin. Ideally, your pet dog shouldn’t requirement a vitamin since she must be getting all the needed nutrients from her raw diet.

But, just like humans, often it’s just much easier not to concern about it as well as just take a everyday vitamin. It can’t hurt. Or, at the extremely least, provide your pet dog a vitamin every couple of days or when per week.

Fish oil for dogs

I provide my pet dog a fish oil tablet a lot of days for the omega 3s. whatever I’ve checked out about fish oil for dogs states it is helpful as well as assists to balance out the omega 6s discovered in supermarket meats such as raw beef. I take a fish oil tablet myself a lot of days.

“EPA as well as DHA, theOmega-3 fettsyrer i fiskeolje, leverer omfattende fordeler, ”ifølge Mary Straus i et innlegg“ fordelene med fiskeolje til hundens helse ”i september 2012-problemet med” hele Pet Dog Journal. ”

I følge artikkelen inkluderer noen av fordelene med fiskeolje for hunder vekttap for overvektige hunder, en sunnere frakk samt sunnere hud, minimert leddsmerter, minimerte allergier, et sunnere immunforsvar samt lavere blodtrykk.

Hvis du mater kjæledyrhunden din en hjemmelaget rå eller kokt kosthold, hva er noen matvarer du mater?

Rå kjæledyrhundmatguide så vel som oppskrifter

Hvis du vil ha mye mer informasjon om å mate rå kjæledyrhundemat, vil du oppdage e -boken min nyttig. Utgiftene er $ 9 så vel som den diskuterer hva du krever for å forstå om rå fôring. få det hit.

Lindsay Stordahl er skaperen av den mutten. Hun komponerer om trening av kjæledyrhund, trening av kjæledyrhund i tillegg til å mate et sunt rå kosthold.

You’ll want to Do This to assist Rescue Dogs in Your area

top prize is $500 donation to the ‘best’ rescue or shelter

Note: I’ve partnered with canine nation to bring you this post.

If you’re like me, you’re practically consumed with wanting to do much more to assist dogs in need.

You want to foster. You want to donate much more than you can afford. You want to embrace when it’s not realistic. Your spouse has produced some kind of “limit” on the number of animals you can have.

Plus, you most likely want to assist a particular rescue group or shelter that you care about as well as can associate to vs. contributing to a large, national organization you may not trust.

Well, here’s an simple method to help!

Take 3 minutes as well as nominate your preferred rescue group so it can win $500 in canine Nation’s Best Friend’s good friend Contest.

All you have to do is put in the name as well as web site of the group you wan to nominate, plus your own get in touch with info. Det er lett!

It takes actually 3 minutes.

Then come back as well as let me understand in the comments what group you nominated.

More about the very best Friend’s good friend Contest

The finest Friend’s good friend contest is a contest where you can win a $500 donation to your preferred rescue group or shelter.

Nominations are being accepted now with Dec. 31, as well as voting takes location in January and February. You can vote when each day while voting is open. The group with the most votes by the end of February will win a $500 donation. Plus, there are second as well as third location prizes.

The finest Friend’s good friend contest was produced by Rodney Blow, who maintains the web site DogNation.net. This is the contest’s second year.

The contest is developed so canine enthusiasts can nominate as well as vote on the shelters or rescues they believe are many deserving.

The nomination process is truly simple. You just go into the rescue or shelter’s name as well as web site, together with your own name as well as email and a sentence or two about why you’re nominating that group.

The shelter or rescue you nominate should have a web site as well as should be a registered non-profit organization, normally a 501(c)(3).

The prizes – $900 total!

First place: $500 donation, a long-term link from DogNation.net as well as the digital gold medal (above) for showing on the rescue’s own web site.

Second place: $300 donation, long-term link from canine Nation’s historic winners page as well as a silver medal.

Third place: $100 donation, long-term link as well as bronze medal.

I personally nominated the group I volunteer with, Labs & much more Rescue of San Diego. This is a group that rescues Labs, lab mixes as well as other big dogs from kill shelters in southern California as well as discovers them loving homes.

Which group will you nominate? let me understand in the comments!

I understand a few of you nominated your preferred groups last year, as well as one of them even won second place! So, this truly is a method you can make a difference, as well as I motivate all of you to make your nominations.

Reminders on the nomination as well as voting process


Nominations for the very best Friend’s good friend contest are taking location now with Dec. 31.

The voting will take location in January as well as February.

The winners will be announced shortly after that!


Which rescue group or shelter will you nominate?

Let me understand in the comments!


Daisy setter ting best

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Mommen min har en konto hos Petmeds slik at hun kan kjøpe oss ting. Forleden oppdaget jeg at vi ble lite på katte godbiter, så jeg valgte å logge på kontoen vår for å hjelpe meg selv. Vel, jeg gjorde en sjokkerende oppdagelse: Harleys bilde er større enn mitt !!!!

Kattunger, dette er ikke akseptabelt. Alle vet at jeg er den mest essensielle katten i husholdningen og Harley er sidekick. Kom igjen, jeg viser deg hvordan du fikser dette på kort tid.

Alt du trenger å gjøre er å tråkke på en haug med nøkler på tastaturet. Hvis du vil gjøre det riktig, bare følg disse trinnene:

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Vi skal bare gjøre noen endringer i bildene, så vi vil gå til My Animals -spalten til høyre

For dette lille prosjektet trenger vi bare å klikke på oppdateringsbildet og lage primære lenker

I tilfelle instruksjonene mine ikke er klare, peker denne pilen på hvor du trenger å gå. Det er det pilene vanligvis gjør, forresten.

Dette bildet er mye bedre, tror du ikke? Ikke fortell Harley på grunn av at han ikke trenger å vite det.

Nå er bare en siste endring … “Gjør primær.” Alt er som det burde være nå!

How to stop a canine from barking

There are all sorts of scenarios where dogs really lose it and bark like crazy, so it’s hard to write about barking in general.

For this post I’m focusing on when you’re home with your canine or in the yard with your canine and he barks because he sees, smells or hears something.

If you’re searching for suggestions on how to stop a canine from barking when home alone, see this post.

And as always, I’d love to hear your ideas because it’s not like my suggestions are going to work for every single dog.

This post is sponsored by green Bark Gummies.

Tips to stop a canine from barking at home

1. keep your canine on a leash.

I don’t imply all the time, just when you know he’s likely to bark.

You ought to know what his “triggers” are by now. If not, make a list.

Keeping your canine on a leash when you know he’ll be tempted to bark will limit his freedom, making it simpler for you to avoid him from barking or to re-gain control if he does start barking.

If your canine is on a leash, he’s less likely to charge the window or the fence or the door.

For example, even if you have a fenced yard, you can still take your canine out on a leash. Really, it’s OK. ?

2. block your dog.

If you know your canine is about to bark, step between your canine and the set off and gently claim the space or get your dog’s attention so he looks at you.

3. use treats and ask for a easy command.

While holding treats best to your dog’s face, ask him to do something easy like “sit” or “down” and reward that behavior.

Keep gratifying the calm behavior for a few seconds or minutes.

If needed, you could put your canine in a down/stay on his canine bed or at your feet for a few minutes. just don’t use it as a punishment; praise him for being calm.

Keep in mind, the treats ought to be good enough to interest your dog.

Green Bark Gummies is a sponsor of That Mutt, and I’ve been using the company’s treats lately for training Ace.

He is nuts over them, and that’s essential with training. You have to find something your canine really loves, whether it’s cheese, ham, hot dogs or whatever.

I think all dogs will love green Bark Gummies, plus they’re made with healthy ingredients, including chia. You can read much more about the company in my review post here.

Did that sound too simple?

God. It ought to be. just having a clear plan and remaining consistent can really make a difference no matter what you’re teaching. If you repeat the above every day over several weeks and months, I think you’ll make some major progress.

A few much more ideas

Won’t the treats just ‘reward’ the barking?

No. You’re gratifying the “sit” or the “down.” Then, as your canine remains quiet and calm, you would continue to reward that with treats or praise. You’re gratifying good behavior.

Sure, some dogs will learn they can bark once and then run over for a treat. You would just want to learn to time it better so you’re getting your dog’s attention best before he actually barks. Then, slowly increase your expectations.

What about scolding the dog?

I’m not against telling a canine no, believe me. but what I’ve discovered is that it doesn’t work so well when the canine is either in a fearful state of mind, very thrilled or possibly protective.

Telling him “no” just doesn’t do a whole lot. let me know if you agree with me on that.

Plus, I don’t recommend scolding a canine who’s reacting out of fear. Instead, calmly show the canine a much more suitable behavior.

What about anti-bark collars?

Sometimes barking is a major issue, and you have to get it under control for various reasons. avoiding eviction, for example.

Anti-bark collars do work, assuming you purchase a high-quality product that’s triggered by the vibration of the dog’s vocal chords and not just sound. how terrible would it be if your canine were corrected whenever your other canine barked? This shouldn’t happen if you have a high-quality collar.

Like all tools, they’re an option for the best situation, and you ought to know why your canine is barking in the first place. I wouldn’t put an anti-bark collar on a canine who’s nervous or scared.

Final thoughts – all dogs learn at their own pace

If you have any ideas or questions about barking or anything else, let me know in the comments. If I don’t have an answer, hopefully someone else will.

What suggestions do you have for stopping a dog’s barking?


Gå til kjæledyrhunden min 101 miles (dag 5)

Når jeg blir for varm, vil mutten min bære vottene mine for meg. Jeg har ikke noe imot siklingen; De er et gammelt par fra mål som bare brukes til løping.

Ess har også vært kjent for å bære hatten og nøklene mine (når den er festet til en stor snor eller avgjørende kjede). Det er gunstig å eie en retriever om våren og høsten når du aldri kan være sikker på om det er for varmt for hansker eller for kaldt å gå uten.

Vi kjørte en tidsbestemt 6-mil løp i 57:53, og gikk deretter i totalt 6,03 mil. Målet var å holde det under en time. Vi klemte et flott 9:35 tempo for mye av løpet – ikke for fort.

Mine dvelende ankelsmerter fra en gammel skade krøp opp rundt 4 mil. Jeg vil ikke oppsøke lege fordi jeg vet hva noen lege vil fortelle meg – slutte å løpe.

I dag lurte jeg på om Ace noen gang har noen smerter mens han løper. Som meg ville han sannsynligvis fortsette å si noe. Jeg liker ham alltid nøye for å sørge for at han ikke bremser eller halter. Ofte vil han favorisere ett ben etter smidighet eller spille for mye henting.

Jeg spøker med at kjæledyrhunden min ikke setter noen grenser, at han vil jage en tennisball til han kollapser fra nesten utmattelse. Hans henting av drivkraften er sterkere enn hans sunn fornuft.

Realiteten er at jeg er akkurat som hunden min. Vi vil begge hardnakket fortsette til vi har skadet oss selv.

Jeg må kose meg, eller jeg blir besatt av å følge en treningsplan til tross for hvordan jeg har det. Og det er det verste enhver idrettsutøver kan gjøre. Å løpe for mange miles er en vanlig feil gjort av begynnende løpere – og erfarne løpere – og fører lett til skade eller mental stress.

Å lytte til kroppen min er den beste måten å løpe på.

Og hva en forskjell bare en dag kan gjøre. I går kunne kjæledyrhunden min og jeg knapt fullføre 3 mil. I dag var vi tilbake på banen.

Ess er en god gutt.

April miles: 18.16