[Giveaway] August is RAWgust!

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This month marks Rawgust, a month-long celebration to raise awareness of raw feeding for pets. You might be seeing cats and dogs crunching on juicy bones or gobbling up chunks of meat on your social media feed. Whether you’re curious about raw feeding or just wondering what the hype is all about, here’s a few fast facts about raw feeding for pets.

Raw bones are typically safer than cooked bones. While no bone or chew is perfectly safe, especially if given without supervision, cats and dogs can typically deal with raw meals that include whole bones. Raw bones are relatively soft and break down in your pet’s stomach acid. once a bone is exposed to high heat through cooking, though, it becomes hard and prone to splintering, so it is no longer safe for your pet to eat.

Even raw bones should be given with caution. An suitable raw bone for your pet is large enough that they cannot swallow it whole. Weight-bearing bones like turkey leg bones are hard and can break teeth. A good choice for beginners are chicken bones like wings, necks, and feet. They’re lightweight and manageable even for cats and small dogs.

Balance is crucial when feeding raw. If you only plan to supplement your pet’s existing diet with raw, you can replace up to 15% of their food with fresh ingredients without throwing off the balance of their complete diet. If you’d like to switch your pet over to a completely raw diet, you can make sure they get all of the vitamins and minerals they need with truthful kitchen Base Mix, by giving your pet a premade option, or by working with a holistic veterinarian to develop balanced recipes for your pet.

Even a partially fresh diet can be beneficial. While there’s still not much scientific research about the benefits of raw feeding, people have been feeding raw diets for decades, and the anecdotal data has been compelling. Fresh foods are high in moisture to help your pet stay hydrated and they’re full of flavor to help nourish picky eaters. The low-carb, high-protein content in many raw diets can help animals maintain a healthy weight. but making the big switch may or may not be the best choice for you, your pets, and your household. Your animals can still benefit if you supplement their typical diet with fresh foods. giving your pet a raw chicken foot as a treat every now and then can help clean their teeth. adding raw or freeze-dried meat to their bowl adds a increase of protein and deliciousness.

Celebrate Your Pet With Our Rawgust GiveawayWhether you’re upgrading your pet’s diet with some fresh treats or you’re ready to make bigger changes, celebrate Rawgust with us with our newest giveaway. comment on this post to enter for a chance to win.

Let us know your pet’s favorite food and you’ll have the chance to win a totally free Dexas Snack Duo from 1800PetMeds®! Each container comes with our Yucca Intensive Holistic animal care Supplement and chicken flavored PureBites Freeze-Dried Treats. two winners will be chosen at random each Friday in August starting 8/6/21, so everyone who participates has a chance to win! One grand prize winner will receive a SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder. There will be a total of nine (9) winners. (Limited to residents of the U.S.) good luck!

Win A totally free RAWgust prize Package!August is RAWgust!  let us know below your pet’s favorite food and you could win a totally free RAWgust prize package from 1800PetMeds®! two winners will be chosen at random Each Friday in August starting 8/6/21, so everyone who participates has a chance to win! The grand prize winner will be chosen September 1st for a total of nine (9) winners. (Limited to residents of the U.S.) good luck!  

Congrats to our Week 1 Winners Steven Smith in new Mexico and Karan McMahon in new York, our Week 2 Winners Catherine Kendall in Arizona and Jody Shellene in Maine, Week 3 Winners Lynette Simon in Massachusetts and Tina Windler in Indiana, Week 4 Shelly Hefner in California and Erica Johnson in California, and our Grand prize winner Suzanne Pinder in North Carolina. look out for an email from us! This contest has ended, but be sure to checkout our September Giveaway and learn all about pain awareness for pets.


Behandlinger for tørre øyne hos hunder

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I flere år har jeg opplevd fra tørre så vel som røde øyne. Jeg blir ofte spurt om jeg har grått eller om jeg var oppe sent. Reaksjonen er alltid den samme, “Jeg har lette, følsomme øyne, så vel som jeg er spesielt utsatt for å få røde øyne, spesielt i løpet av tiden av året når pollenantallet er høyt.” Tørre øyne skjer også hos dyr, så vel som det oppstår når det ikke er tilstrekkelig smøremiddel som frigjøres fra øyekjertlene for å holde øyet fuktig. Naturlige tårer inkluderer ikke bare beroligende komponenter de også inkluderer antistoffer for å hjelpe til med å kjempe mot potensiell infeksjon.

Tørre øyne er ekstremt typiske hos hunder. Katter erfaring i noen tilfeller med tørre øyne, men det er mye sjeldnere hos katter enn det er hos hunder. Spesifikke raser som engelske bulldogs, Cocker Spaniel, samt West Highland Terrier har en spesifikk disponering for å få denne sykdomssykdommen. Sidepåvirkninger av spesifikke medisiner kan på samme måte være årsaken til de tørre øynene.

Når øynene er utrolig tørre, blir de i noen tilfeller røde, hovne, så vel som kjæledyret kan begynne å skvise. Nedsatt syn så vel som fremme av en film over øyet kan også sees. Eiere kan også legge merke til en tykk gulgrønn utflod i øyekroken, hovedsakelig om morgenen. Når sykdommen utvikler seg, kan blodkar begynne å bli sett over fronten av øynene.

Hvis de tørre øynene ikke er seriøse eller er forbigående, kan en enkel syntetisk tårer med å bruke. Den eneste ulempen med den syntetiske tårebehandlingen er at den skal brukes flere ganger om dagen, noe som kan ende opp med å bli slitsom og kan forstyrre kjæledyret ditt. Det fine med disse smøremiddeldråpene er at de er risikofrie og effektive til å bekjempe problemet. Noen mennesker som tilbringer hele dagen med kjæledyret Husk det i det hele tatt. Det er utrolig viktig når du kjøper de syntetiske tårene at du forhindrer dråper som er utviklet for å kjempe mot rødhet. Dråpene for rødhet kan i tillegg til å gjøre tilstanden verre.

I spesifikke tilfeller kan veterinæren foreskrive et medisiner som kalles cyclosporine, eller pilocarpin kan på samme måte bli foreskrevet i spesifikke andre tilfeller. Hvis de tørre øynene utløses av eller forverres av en bakteriell infeksjon, kan antibiotika som terramycin samt gentamycin brukes. Hvis bruk av medisiner ikke er praktisk eller ikke har vært vellykket, kan kirurgisk behandling også være et alternativ.

Et av de mest essensielle elementene i øyepleie hos dyr er å være bevisst hvis noe ikke er heller best med kjæledyret ditt, i tillegg til å kunne gjøre noe tidlig for å unngå enda mer skade. Hvis behandlingen er forsinket eller tilstanden bare blir ignorert, kan kjæledyret oppleve mye flere problemer med øyet, så vel som noen kan ende opp med å bli mye mer utfordrende å behandle etter hvert som tiden holder sammen problemene. Hvis noe blir oppdaget som virker annerledes i kjæledyrets øyne eller at kjæledyret ser ut til å være i noen form for type ubehag, er det så viktig å gjøre et besøk for å se veterinæren for passende diagnose og behandling.

Som alltid, hvis du har noen form for medisiner tilknyttede spørsmål, ringer telefonsammengående farmasøyt fra 1800 -petmeds som vil være mye mer enn glad for å hjelpe til med å svare dem for deg.


Trenger kjæledyret ditt solkrem?

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Vi hører vanligvis om de skadelige virkningene av solen på mennesker, samt risikoen for langvarig hudsykdom, inkludert hudkreft. Imidlertid kan overdreven eksponering av solen ha like skadelige konsekvenser for hudens helse til familiens kjæledyr også. Kjæledyr med lysere farget hud og de områdene i kroppen som er tynt håret virker mye mer sannsynlig påvirket av langvarig soleksponering.

Spesielt er det de ultrafiolette solstrålene som forårsaker mest skade. Det er av disse grunnene at jeg på det sterkeste anbefaler å bruke noen slags solskjermprodukter, spesielt på tynthårede områder som ører og snute før jeg utsetter familiens kjæledyr for langvarig sollys. Mens menneskelige solkremprodukter vanligvis kan være effektive, har jeg også brukt aktuelle helbredelsesmidler som E -vitamin eller Aloe Vera Gel både for å behandle og stoppe langsiktige virkninger av soleksponering. Med en fornuftig bruk av disse produktene, kan familiens kjæledyr utvilsomt glede seg over timer med moro og boltre seg i solen.

Why shelters need to treat impolite adopters with respect

[frame src=”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Cupid-and-Jackie.jpg” target=”_self” width=”570″ height=”320″ alt=”Cupid and Jackie” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]

Every potential adopter could make a difference

Animal shelters are not known for having exceptional customer service.

This is something every single shelter volunteer and staff member ought to work on.

Myself included.

It’s essential to have strong customer service – answering adopters’ questions, welcoming them, treating them with respect. This is true even when the adopters are rude.

I often write about how shelter workers need to be much more understanding to the public. This is true, but the opposite is also true. Adopters also need to be understanding.

I had a brief interaction with a impolite potential adopter while I was volunteering to sit with the dogs at a local shelter.

The standard procedure there is that adopters can walk through and look at the dogs, but a staff member has to be the one to take the dogs out for handling. the public can’t just open up the cages, and we volunteers are trained to retrieve a staff member if an adopter wants a closer look at a dog.

This is no big deal. It might take 2 to 10 minutes to get a staff member, depending on what else is going on.

But if you look at it from the adopter’s point of view, this could be a lot of time.

The woman I’m referring to was visibly frustrated when I first approached her.

She told me she wanted to see the puppies, and the staff at the front desk had directed her back.

She was probably overwhelmed by all the cages and barking dogs. As a new volunteer, the noise is overwhelming to me as well.

Since the woman had specifically asked to see the puppies, she was frustrated that the staff hadn’t immediately taken her to deal with them. She was also frustrated that I couldn’t help her myself. I had to go get a staff member, who she had just spoken with.

From her point of view, we appeared unorganized.

[quote_center]”From her point of view, we appeared unorganized.”[/quote_center]

I imagine she’d waited around a bit at the front desk before she was acknowledged (I don’t know, I wasn’t there). and now I was asking her to wait around some more.

“Well, this is a waste of my time,” she said.

She was also upset when I couldn’t tell her the breeds of some of the puppies. They were unknown mixed breeds.

“Well I can’t have a huge dog,” she snapped.

It seemed to be an all around bad experience for her, and I wish I could’ve found a way to reach her.

She was probably having a bad day, and she probably had unfair expectations. She was short tempered and impatient, but as a shelter we should’ve tried harder to meet her expectations. After all, she did want to adopt a puppy.

It’s impossible to please everyone, of course, but for every person who walks out of your shelter disappointed or frustrated, you can bet she’s going to tell other people.

I blame myself in this case. and it is my goal to never again allow someone to leave the shelter disappointed. Not while I’m working.

There must’ve been some way I could’ve reached that woman, something I could’ve said.

And when she walked out that front door, there must’ve been something the staff could’ve said.

But the woman left. Without a puppy.

Some would say good riddance. She doesn’t are worthy of a puppy anyway.

Kan være.

But I don’t see it that way.

Every adopter matters, no matter how impolite she is. They ought to all feel important. even if they don’t end up adopting a dog, they might refer a friend or a neighbor.

From now on, the line I will fall back on is “I’m so happy you’re here. I’m so happy you’re interested in adoption.”

Make her feel important, that she’s making a difference.

It could make a difference for one dog.

And that’s all that really matters.

Can you think of a time when your shelter had to deal with a impolite adopter?

Motorola Scout66 WiFi Pet video cam review & Giveaway

everyone has that one pet who’s always up to no good, right?

For some, it’s that adolescent schnoodle who just keeps chewing up her pet dog bed.

For others, it’s the new great dane puppy who howls when left alone or the pitbull who keeps trying to bust out of her crate.

You just can’t depend on dogs or cats when they’re left to their own devices. You never know what they’ll do!

This is why a pet video cam can be so helpful for peace of mind.

A responsible pet owner will naturally worry about her pets, but she shouldn’t have to be anxious about leaving them.

That Mutt partnered with Binatone global to bring you this post.

I’m giving away a FREE Motorola Scout66 WiFi Pet Monitor valued at $99. Leave a comment below to enter. Klikk her.

Overview of the Motorola Scout66 WiFi Pet Monitor

The Motorola Scout66 WiFi Pet Monitor is a pet video cam you can use to monitor your family pets from anywhere you can get an Internet connection. It works with the complimentary checking out app hubble, which is compatible with a lot of devices and easy to set up.

When family pets are left alone, they could eat the wrong thing (such as a plant or a toy), they could get into the trash, chew up your blinds, participate in a social club (barking!) or who knows what else.

Just this week, my cousin’s cat knocked a pumpkin pie off the counter and then her beagle proceeded to eat over half the pie!

You just never know, and you can’t really put a value on peace OF MIND.

I’ll cover some pros and cons of the Motorola Scout66 based on my experience. If you have any questions about the product, just leave them in the comments.

What’s great about the Scout66 cam is it is created specifically for monitoring pets.

Some primary features of the Scout66 include:

View your family pets on compatible phones, tablets and computers.

Easy setup (less than 10 minutes for the app & cam combined)

Digital zoom & night vision

In-room temperature display and alert (see my screenshot)

Two-way communication

Free motion detection alert

Free manual in-app video recording with the push of a button

The option to play kicking back music to your pet

The Scout66 is available on Amazon for $99.99 currently on sale for $79.99, plus shipping. Klikk her.

Consider a pet monitor cam if:

1. You want to check in on your pet dog or puppy while you’re at the office, especially if you have a younger pet dog just starting to have a lot more freedom.

2. You need to make sure your pet dog or puppy isn’t barking all day and disturbing your neighbors.

3. You would like to check on your cats for peace of mind when you leave them home alone for a weekend. Do they still have food? Do they seem to be doing OK?

4. You want to use the cam to make sure your pet dog walker or pet sitter shows up, especially if even if if the pet sitter is your brother in law!

5. You live in an area that can get very cold or very hot and you need to make sure the room temperature is safe and your family pets are OK.

Let me know of some other good reasons I’ve missed. just add them in the comment section. Klikk her.

Here are some of my thoughts on the Motorola Scout66

What I like about it

The Motorola Scout66 is made specifically for checking in on pets. It has features like temperature alerts, the ability to play music, two-way communication, FREE in-app video recording, etc.

It’s a reliable product at a good value ($99.99).

The picture is clear on my phone. The whole system is really easy to use. You just plug in the camera, download the app, pair the cam to your wifi and you’re ready to go.

The cam has a long cord so it’s easy to set up anywhere and still be able to reach an outlet.

What I don’t like

If you want the cam to record everything, there is a fee. This service will capture everything and store it in Hubble’s “cloud,” which you can access at any time. There is a complimentary trial for this service so you can test it out first.

If you’re trying to record fast movement, the picture gets a little blurry. Ikke noe viktig.

Hubble stores all videos securely in its cloud but of course there is a privacy aspect to consider with all video cameras.

How easy is it to set up?

The Motorola Scout66 is easy to use and easy to set up. just make sure to very carefully follow the user guide and give yourself some time for the first setup and to get used to the system a lot more than 10 minutes before you’re leaving for the weekend.

I recommend trying it a few times while you’re home or gone for a few hours vs. leaving for the weekend.

Here’s whaT kammen ser ut som satt opp på hylla mi.


Motorola Scout66 WiFi Pet Monitor er tilgjengelig på Amazon for $ 99.99 som for tiden er til salgs for $ 79.99. Bestill her.

Giveaway – Vinn en gratis Motorola Scout66 verdsatt til $ 99

*Gratulerer til Jenn og hennes kjæledyrhund Maggie Mae!

Binatone Global, en lisensieringspartner i Motorola, gir bort en gratis Scout66 til en leser av den mutten.

For å komme inn, bare legg igjen en kommentar nedenfor for å gi meg beskjed om hvorfor du vil ha dette produktet.

Må ha en amerikansk postadresse for å vinne. Jeg velger en vinner tilfeldig søndag 13. desember.

Hvis du har spørsmål om hvordan produktet fungerer, la dem ligge i kommentarene, og jeg får dem til å besvart.

Når vil du bruke Motorola WiFi Pet Monitor?

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*Dette innlegget består av tilknyttede lenker.