Møt kjøttet ditt

Det er ikke rettferdig at hunder så vel som katter er så ekstremt verdsatt, men likevel må en gris, fjørfe eller ku oppleve hele livet.

Jeg ber deg ikke om å bli vegetarianer eller støtte alle typer dyrerettighetsorganisasjoner. Jeg ber deg om å bekymre deg for verdiene dine, siden hvis du leser denne bloggen, liker du dyr.

Det er noe galt med metoden USA øker dyrene for mat. I tillegg velger mange å se den andre metoden når det gjelder overgrepsdyrene før de havner på platene våre. Disse dyrene opplever uendelig før de til slutt blir drept i de verste metodene som kan tenkes.

Tro meg, jeg liker en flott hamburger. Imidlertid valgte jeg å skaffe alt rødt kjøtt i 2007. Jeg begrenser også fjærkre så vel som sjømat jeg spiser.

ACE er av program en rovdyr i tillegg til å spise lammet sitt i tillegg til rishundmat. Mange mennesker er i motsetning til å bruke hestekjøtt i hundemat, men færre mennesker står opp for metodene andre dyr er umenneskelig slaktet for flere formål.

Hvis du ikke har sett Petas tilfredsstille kjøttvideoen din, foreslår jeg at du ser den. Jeg valgte å ikke legge inn videoen på bloggen min, siden noen mennesker vil bli ekstremt plaget av bildene.

Hvorfor er det greit at dette skal skje i 2009?

At Mutts gange og treningsvansker starter i morgen

bare et tips om at vår 21-dagers kjæledyrhund går så vel som treningsvansker starter i morgen (mandag).

Å bli med:

1. Dedikat til å gå på kjæledyrhunden din alle typer avstand du vil ha hver dag i 21 dager.

2. Velg ett lite treningsmål å jobbe med i minst fem minutter under hver tur.

For eksempel forplikter jeg meg til å gå på kjæledyrhunden min i 2 mil hver dag. Under turen skal vi jobbe med fokusert hæl.

La meg forstå om du er inne, så vel som hva dine egne mål vil være. #Activemutts

Detaljer her – det er premier også

For min gamle hjørnetann ess, en god ung gutt

er han 89 i hjørnetannsår.

Ikke rart at han er utmattet hele tiden, trakk seg fra det som pleide å definere oss – løping, fotturer, camping.

Vi var på samme alder en gang – begge i vår fyrste.

Men jeg er en av de heldige.

De fleste av essens venner har dødd, men jeg får holde hunden min hver dag. Jeg får skyve ansiktet til pelsen hans, kysse ørene og fortelle ham for en million gang, du er virkelig en god gutt, ess.

Han er det noen vil kalle min “sjelhund.” Min “hjertehund.” Men jeg håper å ha mange “en gang i livet” hunder.

Jeg regner med at de alle bare kan være en spesiell. Så lenge jeg åpner hjertet mitt.

Selvfølgelig vil jeg aldri finne ord for å beskrive hva ess innebærer for meg.

Men jeg kan fortelle historier.

Vi tok ess backpacking i Nord -Dakota’s Teddy Roosevelt nasjonalpark. Før statens oljeboom, da parken fremdeles var stille og uforstyrret. Ess ville vært 2.

Vi så ingen andre de par dagene. Det var påsken 2008. Vi vandret noen timer, Ace løp amok i bånd og bar ruffwear -pakken.

Da vi valgte leiren vår, taklet Josh teltet mens jeg samlet rusk for en brann.

Ace plantet seg nøyaktig mellom oss, 30 meter fra oss begge. Han valgte å se på oss, å være vår vakt.

Ess i Theodore Roosevelt nasjonalpark

Hvis en risiko skulle vises, enten det var mann eller løve, skulle Ace være der.

Og det er tingen med Ace. Han er ikke en fighter, men han våker over familien. Med sin dype bark og hackler hevet seg, vil uansett hva det er måtte komme forbi ham først.

Vi slo leir flere ganger. I Minnesota’s Itasca State Park og Maplewood State Park. og senere, i California.

Ess i Itasca State Park

Denne uken tar vi begge hundene til Yosemite. Vi vil ikke camping, men Ace vil glede seg over duftene og spaserturene og stasjonene. Han vil legge nesen til snøen og spore noe fantastisk.

Han vil slappe av på sengen sin i hytta. full av visdom. En ro i rommet for vår nye valp, Remy.

Og vi vil alle være takknemlige for en mye mer tur med vår gode, gamle gutt.

Ess i Yosemite nov 2017

På Facebook prøvde jeg å oppsummere hvordan jeg føler om den gamle hunden min, men selvfølgelig kunne jeg ikke. Jeg gjorde mitt beste:

I nesten hele livet prøver vi å holde dem tilbake, prøve å stoppe trekket. Så i de siste årene ønsker vi bare at de skulle trekke, trekke igjen.

Elsker hundene dine for den de er i dag.

Du er en god gutt, ess.

I kommentarene håper jeg at du vil dele et notat om den spesielle hunden din. Og hvis du har møtt ess personlig eller kanskje bare online gjennom denne bloggen, vil jeg gjerne ha det hvis du delte et minne om min beste kompis.

Ace har det bra, forresten. Han sover mye i disse dager, som han burde. Jeg liker å tro at han gleder seg over pensjonen.


How much raw food to feed a pet dog per day?

So you’re changing your pet dog to a raw diet. Gratulerer!

You may be wondering, exactly how much raw meat must I feed my pet dog per day?

The general policy of thumb is to feed the pet dog 2 to 3 percent of her suitable adult body weight. Then, change appropriately if she starts to seem as well thin, as well hungry or as well fat.

Some dogs will naturally need a lot more or less food depending upon their genetics, age, health, activity levels as well as other factors.

As an example, my pet dog Ace weighed about 68 pounds, as well as he was a healthy weight. two percent of 68 pounds is about 1.3 pounds, which is undoubtedly about what he ate per day.

I at first utilized the 2 percent policy to get a general concept on exactly how much to feed him.

This publish may consist of affiliate links. That Mutt may make money from the business pointed out in this post.

Since I’ve been feeding my dogs raw pet dog food for awhile, I have a quite great concept exactly how much to feed just by checking out the food. Every meal does not have to be determined perfectly.

Commercial raw pet dog food such as Darwin’s is commonly determined in 8-ounce patties. Sixteen ounces equals one pound, so Ace would’ve needed a bit a lot more than 2.5 patties per day. My present pet dog Remy gets 4 patties each day (2 pounds).

Commercial raw pet dog food is much a lot more practical than making it yourself, however it is likewise a lot more expensive. inspect out my publish on cost effective raw pet dog food concepts for ideas to save money on raw pet dog food. as well as right here is our post on our preferred raw pet dog food brands.

If your brain hurts from trying to determine all this, right here is a fundamental equation you can utilize to figure out the amount of raw pet dog food your pup needs each day in ounces:

*Get our three complimentary raw pet dog food recipes now! Click right here

How much raw food to feed a pet dog per day

1. Take your dog’s suitable adult weight in pounds as well as multiply it by 16 to get your dog’s weight in ounces. (For Ace that would be 68 pounds x 16 = 1088 ounces.)

2. Take your dog’s weight in ounces as well as multiply it by .02 to get an quote of the amount of food she should eat each day in ounces, presuming she needs to eat around 2 percent of her weight. (For Ace, that’s 1088 x .02 = 21.76 ounces.)

I like to keep my pet dog lean, so I try to feed him the minimum amount every day for him to preserve his weight, as well as he normally does eat about 1.3 pounds of raw pet dog food per day.

Obviously if you have an underweight dog, a puppy or a expecting pet dog you are going to want to feed a lot more than 2 or 3 percent of her weight. inspect with a vet if you are not sure. likewise see our post on raw feeding for puppies.

For a lot more info, see our post: Raw pet dog food for beginners

How much of my dog’s raw diet plan must be meat/bones/fat/organs?

If you’re complying with a “whole prey raw diet,” indicating a diet plan of mainly animal products, the general policy of thumb is:

80 percent muscle mass meat
10 percent organ meat (half of that must be liver)
and 10 percent bone

This is quite common as well as agreed upon by a lot of raw feeders.

If you are feeding a diet plan that includes fruits as well as veggies as well as perhaps even some grain (barf diet plan recipes), you would change the percentages a bit, so it may be a lot more like 70 percent meat, 10 percent organs, 10 percent bone as well as 10 percent vegetation. This is approximately what my pet dog eats.

There is difference on whether dogs requirement fruits or veggies in their diets.

My belief is that fruits as well as veggies can’t hurt. While I’m not excessively concerned about what fruits as well as veggies my pet dog eats, I do try to feed them everyday in little quantities for a range of nutrients.

I’m really a lot more concerned about the high quality as well as range of meat products my pet dog eats as well as making sure he gets sufficient fat, organ meat, calcium as well as so on.

Do I requirement to include any type of supplements in my dog’s raw food?

Vitamins in a dog’s raw diet

For added nutrients, you might provide your pet dog a everyday multi vitamin. Ideally, your pet dog shouldn’t requirement a vitamin since she must be getting all the needed nutrients from her raw diet.

But, just like humans, often it’s just much easier not to concern about it as well as just take a everyday vitamin. It can’t hurt. Or, at the extremely least, provide your pet dog a vitamin every couple of days or when per week.

Fish oil for dogs

I provide my pet dog a fish oil tablet a lot of days for the omega 3s. whatever I’ve checked out about fish oil for dogs states it is helpful as well as assists to balance out the omega 6s discovered in supermarket meats such as raw beef. I take a fish oil tablet myself a lot of days.

“EPA as well as DHA, theOmega-3 fettsyrer i fiskeolje, leverer omfattende fordeler, ”ifølge Mary Straus i et innlegg“ fordelene med fiskeolje til hundens helse ”i september 2012-problemet med” hele Pet Dog Journal. ”

I følge artikkelen inkluderer noen av fordelene med fiskeolje for hunder vekttap for overvektige hunder, en sunnere frakk samt sunnere hud, minimert leddsmerter, minimerte allergier, et sunnere immunforsvar samt lavere blodtrykk.

Hvis du mater kjæledyrhunden din en hjemmelaget rå eller kokt kosthold, hva er noen matvarer du mater?

Rå kjæledyrhundmatguide så vel som oppskrifter

Hvis du vil ha mye mer informasjon om å mate rå kjæledyrhundemat, vil du oppdage e -boken min nyttig. Utgiftene er $ 9 så vel som den diskuterer hva du krever for å forstå om rå fôring. få det hit.

Lindsay Stordahl er skaperen av den mutten. Hun komponerer om trening av kjæledyrhund, trening av kjæledyrhund i tillegg til å mate et sunt rå kosthold.

You’ll want to Do This to assist Rescue Dogs in Your area

top prize is $500 donation to the ‘best’ rescue or shelter

Note: I’ve partnered with canine nation to bring you this post.

If you’re like me, you’re practically consumed with wanting to do much more to assist dogs in need.

You want to foster. You want to donate much more than you can afford. You want to embrace when it’s not realistic. Your spouse has produced some kind of “limit” on the number of animals you can have.

Plus, you most likely want to assist a particular rescue group or shelter that you care about as well as can associate to vs. contributing to a large, national organization you may not trust.

Well, here’s an simple method to help!

Take 3 minutes as well as nominate your preferred rescue group so it can win $500 in canine Nation’s Best Friend’s good friend Contest.

All you have to do is put in the name as well as web site of the group you wan to nominate, plus your own get in touch with info. Det er lett!

It takes actually 3 minutes.

Then come back as well as let me understand in the comments what group you nominated.

More about the very best Friend’s good friend Contest

The finest Friend’s good friend contest is a contest where you can win a $500 donation to your preferred rescue group or shelter.

Nominations are being accepted now with Dec. 31, as well as voting takes location in January and February. You can vote when each day while voting is open. The group with the most votes by the end of February will win a $500 donation. Plus, there are second as well as third location prizes.

The finest Friend’s good friend contest was produced by Rodney Blow, who maintains the web site DogNation.net. This is the contest’s second year.

The contest is developed so canine enthusiasts can nominate as well as vote on the shelters or rescues they believe are many deserving.

The nomination process is truly simple. You just go into the rescue or shelter’s name as well as web site, together with your own name as well as email and a sentence or two about why you’re nominating that group.

The shelter or rescue you nominate should have a web site as well as should be a registered non-profit organization, normally a 501(c)(3).

The prizes – $900 total!

First place: $500 donation, a long-term link from DogNation.net as well as the digital gold medal (above) for showing on the rescue’s own web site.

Second place: $300 donation, long-term link from canine Nation’s historic winners page as well as a silver medal.

Third place: $100 donation, long-term link as well as bronze medal.

I personally nominated the group I volunteer with, Labs & much more Rescue of San Diego. This is a group that rescues Labs, lab mixes as well as other big dogs from kill shelters in southern California as well as discovers them loving homes.

Which group will you nominate? let me understand in the comments!

I understand a few of you nominated your preferred groups last year, as well as one of them even won second place! So, this truly is a method you can make a difference, as well as I motivate all of you to make your nominations.

Reminders on the nomination as well as voting process


Nominations for the very best Friend’s good friend contest are taking location now with Dec. 31.

The voting will take location in January as well as February.

The winners will be announced shortly after that!


Which rescue group or shelter will you nominate?

Let me understand in the comments!

How to stop a canine from barking

There are all sorts of scenarios where dogs really lose it and bark like crazy, so it’s hard to write about barking in general.

For this post I’m focusing on when you’re home with your canine or in the yard with your canine and he barks because he sees, smells or hears something.

If you’re searching for suggestions on how to stop a canine from barking when home alone, see this post.

And as always, I’d love to hear your ideas because it’s not like my suggestions are going to work for every single dog.

This post is sponsored by green Bark Gummies.

Tips to stop a canine from barking at home

1. keep your canine on a leash.

I don’t imply all the time, just when you know he’s likely to bark.

You ought to know what his “triggers” are by now. If not, make a list.

Keeping your canine on a leash when you know he’ll be tempted to bark will limit his freedom, making it simpler for you to avoid him from barking or to re-gain control if he does start barking.

If your canine is on a leash, he’s less likely to charge the window or the fence or the door.

For example, even if you have a fenced yard, you can still take your canine out on a leash. Really, it’s OK. ?

2. block your dog.

If you know your canine is about to bark, step between your canine and the set off and gently claim the space or get your dog’s attention so he looks at you.

3. use treats and ask for a easy command.

While holding treats best to your dog’s face, ask him to do something easy like “sit” or “down” and reward that behavior.

Keep gratifying the calm behavior for a few seconds or minutes.

If needed, you could put your canine in a down/stay on his canine bed or at your feet for a few minutes. just don’t use it as a punishment; praise him for being calm.

Keep in mind, the treats ought to be good enough to interest your dog.

Green Bark Gummies is a sponsor of That Mutt, and I’ve been using the company’s treats lately for training Ace.

He is nuts over them, and that’s essential with training. You have to find something your canine really loves, whether it’s cheese, ham, hot dogs or whatever.

I think all dogs will love green Bark Gummies, plus they’re made with healthy ingredients, including chia. You can read much more about the company in my review post here.

Did that sound too simple?

God. It ought to be. just having a clear plan and remaining consistent can really make a difference no matter what you’re teaching. If you repeat the above every day over several weeks and months, I think you’ll make some major progress.

A few much more ideas

Won’t the treats just ‘reward’ the barking?

No. You’re gratifying the “sit” or the “down.” Then, as your canine remains quiet and calm, you would continue to reward that with treats or praise. You’re gratifying good behavior.

Sure, some dogs will learn they can bark once and then run over for a treat. You would just want to learn to time it better so you’re getting your dog’s attention best before he actually barks. Then, slowly increase your expectations.

What about scolding the dog?

I’m not against telling a canine no, believe me. but what I’ve discovered is that it doesn’t work so well when the canine is either in a fearful state of mind, very thrilled or possibly protective.

Telling him “no” just doesn’t do a whole lot. let me know if you agree with me on that.

Plus, I don’t recommend scolding a canine who’s reacting out of fear. Instead, calmly show the canine a much more suitable behavior.

What about anti-bark collars?

Sometimes barking is a major issue, and you have to get it under control for various reasons. avoiding eviction, for example.

Anti-bark collars do work, assuming you purchase a high-quality product that’s triggered by the vibration of the dog’s vocal chords and not just sound. how terrible would it be if your canine were corrected whenever your other canine barked? This shouldn’t happen if you have a high-quality collar.

Like all tools, they’re an option for the best situation, and you ought to know why your canine is barking in the first place. I wouldn’t put an anti-bark collar on a canine who’s nervous or scared.

Final thoughts – all dogs learn at their own pace

If you have any ideas or questions about barking or anything else, let me know in the comments. If I don’t have an answer, hopefully someone else will.

What suggestions do you have for stopping a dog’s barking?

Gode ​​hunder, dårlige eiere: september 2013

Gode hunder, dårlige eiere

Det har gått en stund siden jeg har gjort gode hunder, dårlige eiere. Men etter å ha bodd i California i fem uker, måtte det bare gjøres. Å, noen ting endrer seg ikke mye uansett hvor du bor …

På en parkeringsplass for kjøretøy. Denne damen kommer rundt hjørnet med en gylden av bånd. Hunden har en bamse, eier ser stolt ut. De passerer, men så hører jeg bjeffing. Jeg snur meg for å se. Teddy bjørn nå på bakken. Hunden sirkler en mann. Mannen skyver en iskremvogn. Hundens hale er mellom bena, ørene tilbake. Det slutter ikke å bjeffe og kommer ikke når det ringes.

På en tur. Hundens ess og jeg passerer en parkert bil. Jeg er forferdet når tre storfehunder slynger seg og knurrer fra bilen. De skyver hodet og frontpotene gjennom vinduene, som er omtrent halvveis nede. Jeg er redd for et hundeangrep for første gang på lenge.

På stranden. En mann og kvinne går to små hunder. En hund knebøy og tar en dump rett ved land. Mannen, flau, har ikke en pose. Han sier til kvinnen: “Få en pose! Hvorfor tok du ikke med deg en pose? ” Han står da der (vokter bæsj?) Mens kvinnen går bort, for å få en pose. Jeg ser henne gå bort. Hver gang jeg ser, går hun fortsatt. Mannen står der. Bølgene og sanden dekker bæsj.

På en tur. Vi er i et travelt, butikkområde. mange mennesker. Ace bærer sin milde leder i en stram hæl. En familie nærmer seg – en mann, kvinne, to jenter og to hunder. Jentene ser omtrent 7 og 9, og de sliter hver for å kontrollere en hund. En hund trekker og knurrer når den går. Vi ignorerer det. Den andre knipser faktisk. Vi hører kvinnen kjefte: “La det være!”

På stranden. Hunder må være i bånd – men du vet – jeg føler et tema. Ace og jeg ser kvinnen med sin mini schnauzer, så vi flytter bort til vår egen virksomhet. Schnauzer lader selvfølgelig, kommer i ansiktet til Aces, knurrer og setter labbene på Aces nakke. Jeg ser at det er ufarlig, at ACE er en 70 pund pushover. Men jeg bekymrer meg for Schnauzer og den neste hunden den lader.

Hva er en hund å gjøre?

Flertallet av hundeeiere er gode eiere, og vi gjør alle feil. Likevel vet vi alle at det er noen få perler der ute. Hvis du har en historie å dele for neste utgave av “Good Dogs, Bad Owners”, hold det kortfattet (mindre enn 100 ord) og send til Lindsay@thatmutt.com med emnet “Gode hunder, dårlige eiere.” Kan ikke vente!

Vinn $ 500 for din favoritt redningsgruppe eller ly

Hjelp med å redde hunder i ditt område ved å gjøre en nominasjon

Merk: At Mutt har inngått et samarbeid med Dognation.net for å gi deg dette innlegget.

Nominer din favoritt U.S. Shelter eller Rescue Group i “Best Friend’s Friend” -konkurransen, og den gruppen kan vinne 500 dollar.

(Det tar bare 3 minutter.)

Nominasjonsskjemaet ligger på dognation.net.

Alt du trenger å gjøre er å sette inn navn og nettsted for gruppen du vil nominere, pluss din egen e -postadresse til kontaktformål og en setning eller to om hvorfor du nominerer den gruppen. Det er lett! Jeg nominerte min favoritt redningsgruppe i San Diego.

Viktig informasjon å huske:


Nominasjonene er åpne nå til og med 31. desember.

Avstemningen vil finne sted i januar og februar på dognation.net. Du kan stemme opp til en gang per dag.

Vinnerne vil bli kunngjort etter det!


Priser – $ 900 Totalt:

Førsteplass: $ 500 donasjon til lyet du nominerte. Donasjonen vil bli gitt i ditt navn.

Andreplassen: $ 300 donasjon.

Tredjeplass: $ 100 donasjon.

Alle tre vinnerne vil også motta en permanent lenke til Shelter/Rescue sitt nettsted fra Dognation.net og en gull-, sølv- eller bronsemedalje for å vises på sine egne nettsteder.

Flere detaljer om bestevennens vennekonkurranse

Best Friend’s Pal Contest er en konkurranse der du kan vinne en donasjon på $ 500 for din favoritt ly eller redningsgruppe. Vinneren er valgt gjennom en stemmeprosess som finner sted i januar og februar.

Konkurransen ble opprettet av Rodney Blow, eier av Dognation.net, et nettsted med informasjon om pethundtrening, pleie av kjæledyrhund, kjæledyrhund og mer.

Rodney og hans partner har tre egne redningshunder: en 16 år gammel Dalmatian som heter Roxy, en bokserblanding som heter Sunshine og en bokser/mastiffblanding som heter Rebel.

Rodney hadde ideen om å starte bestevennens PAL -konkurranse fordi han er opptatt av å hjelpe hunder i nød, men ikke var kjent med redningsgruppene i sitt område den gangen. Selskapet han pleide å jobbe for ville matche alle bidragene han ga til deres lokale ly, men med tanke på at hans pensjonisttilværelse har han flyttet til en annen stat.

“Jeg ønsket fortsatt å hjelpe redningene, men tok en beslutning om å la andre som visste at krisesentrene deres ta besluttsomheten,” sa han.

[QUOTE_RIGHT] ”Jeg ønsket fortsatt å hjelpe redningene, men tok en beslutning om å la andre som visste at krisesentrene deres skulle bestemme hvilken.” [/quote_right]

Rodney og hans partner brenner tydelig for å hjelpe hunder i nød. For eksempel sa han at kjæledyrhunden deres Roxy ble holdt lenket ute i hennes forrige hjem med lite samspill. Den opprinnelige eieren skulle ta Roxy til pundet, men Rodney og partneren hans pleide å ta Roxy hjem i stedet.

“Heldigvis aksepterte damen,” sa han.

Deres bokser/Mastiff Mix Rebel har også en alvorlig redningshistorie.

“Rebel kom fra et uønsket kull, og eieren skulle bare ta dem alle ut og skyte dem i hodet,” sa Rodney. ”Partneren min grep inn og overbeviste ham om å vente til de var gamle nok, og hun ville finne dem alle hjem. Hun lyktes med å få alle fire adoptert – en av oss. ”

Så som du kan se, er Rodney forpliktet til å hjelpe hunder i nød. Han sa at han planlegger å alltid bruke minst 10 prosent av nettstedets inntekter for å gå mot denne konkurransen, og han håper det indikerer at beløpet han er i stand til å donere vil vokse med tiden.

Dette er hva bestevennens Pal -konkurranse handler om.

Rodney håper bestevennens PAL -konkurranse vil fortsette å være en kreativ måte å la leserne hans bestemme hvilke grupper som er mest fortjent av donasjoner. Tenk på det som et årlig pris for ly eller redning av året.

Raske påminnelser:

1. Nominasjoner er åpne nå til og med 31. desember.

2. Avstemning finner sted i januar og februar. Du kan stemme opp til en gang per dag, så oppmuntre alle vennene dine til å stemme også.

3. Vinnerne blir kunngjort i begynnelsen av mars.

Jeg nominerte min favoritt redningsgruppe i San Diego.

Hvilken gruppe vil du nominere?

Ta et øyeblikk å gi meg beskjed i kommentarene!

How to walk and train two dogs at the same time

how to walk two dogs at the same time

It’s essential for me to dedicate individual time each day to my own canine Ace and to my foster canine Cosmo.

Ace and Cosmo have different needs as far as attention, exercise and training, but I typically end up walking them together to save time. Or, I walk one canine and the other doesn’t get a walk that day.

For those of you with two permanent dogs (or three or four!), how do you find the time for each dog? Or maybe you don’t. maybe you hang out as a group many of the time. Are you ok with that?

Like many canine lovers, I am always thinking about adopting a second dog. before I do this, I have to reach some kind of acceptance about how much time I actually have for a new mutt. Ideally, I would find another easygoing, fairly mellow canine like Ace.

Walking with two dogs

Ace and Cosmo are not on the same level when it concerns training and socialization, but I typically end up walking them together anyway. We walk in the morning and again many evenings for about 25 minutes per walk.

When I walk the clowns together, both benefit from the exercise and walking as a “pack,” but it’s nearly impossible to work on their individual training needs. They both wear training collars so I am able to keep them under control. Cosmo pretty much pulls the whole time, and Ace is not challenged at all. Plus, it’s not always fair to work on training if the dog’s basic exercise needs have not been met.

Walking the dogs individually


Lab mix Ace typically has very good leash manners. I would like to work on much more off-leash training with him. Sometimes he behaves even better without a leash because it forces me to use a different kind of energy. I want to focus on gratifying Ace for remaining calm when we visit his favorite people or places. I do not want to rely on any type of training collar with him, and he is the ideal candidate to take practically anywhere. I count on Ace to be gentle around all people and animals, as long as they don’t mind the drool and tail whips! With a second canine around, Ace and I have had very few opportunities to work at this level.


American Eskimo Cosmo needs a lot of work on loose-leash walking. Ideally, I ought to stop moving forward each time he pulls. but when I walk two dogs at once, Cosmo gets away with a lot of pulling. I want to get to the point where I can walk him on a loose leash, at least when there are no distractions. I would also like him to focus on me when we pass kids and dogs. He and I are preparing to take the AKC Canine good citizen test in a few weeks, which tests whether the canine can remain under control in various public situations. Whether or not The Cos passes this test is going to depend a lot on how strict the evaluator is!

How can I find time for each dog?

I’ve been thinking about how I can find time for each dog. I am very lucky that Ace and Cosmo do not require a ton of physical exercise. A half-hour walk per day seems to be enough for each dog.

I’m going to try a new routine where I walk one canine in the morning and the other in the evening so they each get individual time with me. but every other day I will take them running together so they get enough exercise. So, the first day I will walk them individually. The second day I will run them together. The third day I will walk them individually again, and so on.

When we head out for a walk, it also helps if I decide ahead of time what the goal of that walk is going to be. Are we focusing on getting some exercise? Is the goal of this walk to work on not pulling? Am I going to take Ace somewhere new today?

No matter what, I choose not to feel guilty. I know Ace and Cosmo are spoiled and happy. They never complain. They have it pretty good. They don’t seem to care if I walk them together or separately or even not at all.

I am curious what other people do when they have multiple dogs with very different needs.

Do you typically walk your dogs together or separately?

Raw dog Food on a budget plan – 2 diy Raw dog Food Recipes

Feeding your dog raw food doesn’t have to be excessively expensive.

I’ve been running a survey on my blog for a few months about reasons keeping dog owners from feeding their dogs a raw diet. Affordability is a typical concern.

So today I’m sharing two simple raw dog food recipes my pups Missy & Buzz begin drooling for the minute I mix them up.

They consist of only 5 components each. You can usually discover these components at most grocery stores.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Feeding your dog a balanced, raw diet plan definitely can be expensive, particularly if you’re relying on pre-made raw dog food from a trusted brand.

That convenience factor is somewhat similar to human fresh food that has been pre-assorted as well as packed up. It’s extremely healthy as well as practical however of program you do pay a bit more.

Our sponsor Darwin’s has a excellent introduction offer, if you’re interested. You can get 10 pounds of fresh, raw food for just $14.95. Klikk her.

I discovered all the components for these raw dog recipes at Walmart

This may noise surprising, however I was able to discover all the components for our raw meals in the grocery section of a regional Walmart.

I made it a point to go component buying there to prove that a raw dog food meal:

doesn’t have to be ridiculously expensive
can be shopped for locally

Bonus: By integrating raw dog food buying with your own grocery shopping, you can reduce your carbon footprint. No requirement to have raw dog food bought on the internet shipped your way.

I put together two different meals complying with the 80-10-10 formula:

80% muscle mass meat
10% raw meaty bone
5-10% organs

*Get our three free raw dog food recipes now! Click right here

Organ meat for a balanced raw dog food diet

The only element I wasn’t able to discover at Walmart was a different secreting organ besides liver.

Ultimately, you’ll want to add a few of those such as kidneys or sweetbreads. They don’t necessarily have to make it into every single raw meal. We aim to accomplish balance over time, within about 7-10 days.

You can discover secreting organs in “ethnic” markets or ask your regional butcher/farmer if they’d be willing to offer them to you.

Buying organ meat on the internet is one more choice however will need shipping unless you online close sufficient to the retailer’s warehouse as well as are able to pick up your order.

Buy beef liver from Raw Paws HERE.

I’m feeding my dogs beef liver as well as poultry liver since beef liver is far more nutritious.

*Get our three free raw dog food recipes now! Click right here

Raw dog food on a budget plan – two simple recipes for dogs of all sizes

The complying with are two simple recipes with all components from Walmart. After each ingredient, I listed out the cost I paid as well as the weight, just to provide you an general concept on cost.

Easy beef raw dog food recipe:

Beef tongue: $19.42 for 3.57 lbs
Ground beef: $5.98 for 1 lb
Beef oxtails: $12.73 for 2.34 lbs
Beef liver: $2.23 for 1.21 lbs (or offered on the internet here)
Chicken liver: $2.03 for 1.21 lbs

Total Cost: $42.39 for 9.33 lbs

Cost per pound: $4.50

Easy poultry as well as turkey raw dog food recipe:

Chicken breast: $8 for 4 lbs
Chicken gizzards: $1.35 for 1 lbs
Chicken wings: $4.43 for 1.5 lbs
Ground turkey: $3.95 for 1.85 lbs
Turkey necks: $2.39 for 1.87 lbs

Total Cost: $20.12 for 10.22 lbs

Cost per pound: $1.90

In comparison, a 6-pound bag of Nature’s range Beef Patties from Petco costs $43 or about $7.16 per pound

A 6-pound bag of Turducken (Turkey/Duck/Chicken mix) from Steve’s genuine Food bought at an separately had pet retail store costs $54 or $9 per pound.

How to serve your dog’s raw meals

All you requirement to do is cut up or grind the muscle mass meats as well as organs as well as determine out your dog’s part (more on exactly how much to serve below).

All muscle mass meats are simple to cut up. I discovered that a bread knife works finest on the beef tongue as well as the poultry gizzards. The ground beef/turkey are obviously simple to break up into custom portions.

Your dog will get the biggest dental benefit from eating the raw meaty bones whole since they acts like a toothbrush, however they can likewise be ground. See my post: exactly how to safely feed your dog raw bones.

If your pup has weak teeth that wouldn’t be able to handle whole raw meaty bones or larger pieces of cut up meat, you can grind them.

I tested the grinding abilities of my food processor as well as blender, since I don’t own a devoted meat grinder (yet).

The food processor did a great task grinding the beef tongue:

And my blender handled the task of grinding the poultry wings:

I didn’t bother trying to throw the oxtails or turkey necks in. I had a feeling that may have been as well much for my kitchen area blades.

While it can be a bit tricky to discover little or even small raw meatybones for additional little dog breeds, the oxtail bundles sold at Walmart contain oxtails of different sizes.

You might utilize the oxtails that are as well big or as well little in a batch of bone broth or some other kind of nourishing soup.

Whole poultry wings work excellent for smaller to medium size dogs. whole turkey necks are excellent for larger dogs, particularly those who have a tendency to gulp bones whole without providing them a few great crunches.

For more details on raw dog food, see our post: Raw feeding for beginners

How much raw dog food to serve

You’ll want to feed 2-3% of your dog’s suitable body weight on a everyday basis.

Your dog’s size as well as weight will determine exactly how much meat their meals will consist of as well as exactly how long the amount of meat bought will last.

Missy evaluates 50 lbs as well as eats 1 lb of meat every day. nine to 10 lbs of food would last her about 9 days.

Buzz evaluates 70 lbs as well as eats 1 lb 6 oz every day. The 9 to 10 lbs would last him about 6.5 days.

I determined out meals for our imaginary 10 & 20 lb doggie friends. The 10 lb pup would eat around 3 oz per day, meaning the 9 to 10 lbs would last him about 48 days!

The 20 lb pup would requirement double his amount on a everyday basis as well as might make the exact same food last about 24 days.

You’ll likewise have to take your dog’s activity level as well as metabolism into account.

I normally feed Missy & Buzz less throughout the summertime since our damp climate right here in central North Carolina restricts our physical activities.

Now that it’s cooler as well as they’re more active again, I bumped up their food allowance by 2-3 ounces per meal.

If you’re unsure about your dog’s suitable body weight, inspect in with your vet as well as they should be happy to assist you figure it out.

See our post: exactly how much raw dog food to feed

Bottom line: diy balanced cost effective raw dog food recipes

I will state that only the ground beef I bought was from grass-fed beef.

The tongue, oxtails, ground turkey, poultry breasts, wings, necks as well as livers most likely came from grain-fed animals that weren’t pasture raised.

In an suitable world, you’d want to prepare your dog’s raw meals with cuts of meat from organic, grass-fed, happy animals. However, those cuts of meat come at a higher cost point as well as aren’t offered everywhere.

There is of program always the choice of feeding a trusted pre-made raw brand such as Darwin’s. They even offer a trial offer where you can get 10 lbs of raw food provided to your door for just $14.95. It’s practical to have pre-made meals show up right at your door.

If expense is an issue, you might likewise opt to replace one of your pups’ everyday dry dog food meals with raw food.

I just recently composed about being able to mix kibble & raw dog food on my blog when answering a reader’s concern about that topic. A bit raw is much better than none!

*Get our three free raw dog food recipes now! Click right here

Do you have any type of tips for feeding raw dog food on a budget?

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More homemade raw dog food recipes
How to discover cost effective raw dog food

Barbara Rivers composes on a regular basis for That Mutt about feeding her dog a raw dog food diet. She is a blog writer as well as preserves the blog K9s Over Coffee.