
How Do You stop A Puppy From Doing Unwanted Behavior?

All it takes is a basic dog-training question to bring out The Crazies.

Recently, the author Tim Ferriss posted this question on his Facebook page:

I’m all for positive-reinforcement pet dog training, but a lot of experts seem to dodge a major question: What can you do when pups do something “bad” … besides ignoring it? Re-directing is one way to get them to temporarily stop, but it wouldn’t seem to show them that something isn’t allowed. any individual with experience out there? Takk!

Of course, this absolutely legit question brought out all kinds of drama as people started getting emotional over different training techniques. You know, how you must never scold a pet dog because you could scare him and that sort of thing. Vær så snill.

I thought it was a good question.

When people genuinely have questions about how to train a dog, I think it’s crucial to offer down-to-earth options without going into attack mode.

I’m not anxious about Tim Ferriss, but I’m a little anxious for other new pet dog owners who ask innocent questions.

So, I thought I’d ask all of you the same question.

What do you do when a puppy does something “bad”?

Leave your answer in the comments.

Svaret mitt:

If a pet dog or puppy is doing a behavior I don’t like, I’ll calmly say “no” and then re-direct the pup to a a lot more proper behavior and reward that. I also do all I can to stop the unwanted behavior in the first place.

That’s pretty much it.

Is this positive reinforcement? Is it, God forbid, aversive? I don’t really know or care.

I think we tend to overcomplicate pet dog training, which is probably why so lots of people do not bother to train their dogs at all. They genuinely think they can’t because everyone is flooding them with advice, and that recommendations is often conflicting.

I actually try really hard not to give people pet dog training recommendations unless asked.

Yes, my blog articles are often written about training, but people are complimentary to take or leave the information or adjust it for their own special dogs and special circumstances. I never want to tell any individual else what’s best for his or her own dog.

A good example is the post I wrote earlier this month on electronic pet dog fences. I loved the actions I got form that post. lots of positive comments even though we don’t all agree. Not a single person became overly emotional or disrespectful in the comments. Ikke en.

I think it’s because we have a great, open-minded online community here.

That’s a rare thing.

Takk skal du ha.

How do you stop a puppy’s unwanted behavior?

Let me know in the comments! This will be a great resource to share with new puppy owners and first-time pet dog owners.

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