
En nesten beste Mutt

En av Mutts favoritt ting å gjøre er å snike en godbit ut av katteboksen. Jøss, kjæledyrhunden min liker å spise katteskit, sammen med andre grove ting. Ess er langt fra den beste hunden, og jeg er langt fra den beste eieren. Her er 10 andre ting min mutt slipper unna med:

1. Myten min tørker hans sikling på meg. Ikke bare er det grovt at ess nesten alltid sikler, men han må gå over og tørke ansiktet på fanget mitt. Jeg skal sitte ned og spise middag, og han vil gå bort og dekke buksene mine i sikling. Når han ikke med vilje tørker av sikringen på meg, rister han i stedet på hodet og får sikling på gulvet, møblene, veggene, kattene, klærne, vennene mine og familien og hundene deres.

2. Myten min spiser pinner og deretter pukes. Når ess og jeg spiller henter med en pinne eller velger en tur med ham i bånd, spiser han deler av pinnene. Bare bittesmå brikker om gangen. Hvis vi spiller henting, vil pinnen sakte krympe og krympe til vi trenger en ny pinne. Så venter Ace akkurat lenge til vi er inne igjen og han kaster opp alle de små trebitene på teppet mitt.

3. Kjæledyrhunden min drikker hver dråpe vann han kan finne. CACE kan ikke etterlate en dråpe vann i bollen hans. Jeg vet ikke hvorfor noen enkeltpersoner vil stjele det vannet, fordi det er 70 prosent sikling, men han tror han trenger å drikke hver siste dråpe. Jeg er heller ikke sikker på hvorfor jeg vil stjele det fra ham når jeg er den som ga den til ham i utgangspunktet, men kanskje det er best å aldri være avhengig av et menneske. Jeg er ikke sikker. Å drikke alt vann i sikte er ikke begrenset til vasken, badekaret og toalettet. Før jeg visste noe bedre, drakk Ace hele toalettskålen. To ganger.

4. Kjæledyrhunden min pukker opp vannet minst to ganger i uken. Dette er en underdrivelse. Ess pukker ofte hver dag. Han drikker vannet for fort og så kommer det ut.

5. Min kjæledyrhund pukker opp maten og spiser den deretter. Dette er sannsynligvis en ukentlig forekomst. Maten spises, så sekunder senere er den tilbake. Så blir den spist igjen. I det minste hjelper det med opprydningen fra min side. Han bryr seg heller ikke om hva han pukes på. Det kan være på teppet, en haug med klær, et håndkle, et teppe, bilsetet, men sjelden på et hardt gulv eller ute. Jeg har kastet noen få tee -skjorter og tepper på grunn av dette.

6. Min kjæledyrhund slikker seg selv, um, upassende.
Alltid på de verste tidspunktene er det hunden min, som slikker seg mellom beina. Og gutt kan han komme inn på det. Da er han klar til å gi mange kyss!

7. Pethunden min spiser armhulene ut av skjorter.

8. Kjæledyrhunden min stjeler mat. Ser uskyldig ut. but he’s pretty sneaky when it pertains to stealing food. One time he ate a muffin (wrapper and all) out of a bag of bakery treats left unguarded. If it hadn’t been for the drool evidence inside the bag, Ace might’ve gotten away with it.

9. My pet dog sleeps on the furniture when I’m not home.If I forget to block off certain areas before I leave my apartment, the couch or bed is always warm for me when I come home. The drool and hair are added bonuses.

10. My pet dog farts.These things are silent but deadly. nok sagt.

So, what does your pet dog do? Is yours grosser than mine?


Dogswell Jerky Bars – Reader’s Evaluation

Dogswell Jerky Bars Review

Merk: En virksomhet som heter Dogswell ga bort noen rykkbarer til en av mine besøkende med en konkurranse på Thatmutt.com. Sean var vinneren, så vel som det å overholde det han måtte oppgi om godbitene.

Hundene mine er ikke veldig masete med godbiter, så vel som kan trenes ved å bruke sin egen (tørr) kibble, i tillegg til å tenke på en annen tørr kibble givende. Så vi håndterer ikke kresen spisere.

Selvfølgelig er det et kontinuum i godbiter med veldig utmerkede ting (rått kjøtt, fisk, pølser) samt mye mer haltende ting (Charlie Bear Crackers, Kibble).

Den rykkete barene høst et sted midt i det. Mindre ønskelig enn de stinkende masseproduserte godbitene (Zuke’s) eller frysetørket lever, men mye mer på nivå med velværebrønnsbarer, så vel som kanskje litt foran naturlig balanse rullet hjørnetannsmat som brukes som godbiter.

Selvfølgelig er ikke alle disse produktene nøyaktig samme ernæring. Tallrike har hvete, andre korn eller konserveringsmidler, som jeg begrenser i kostholdet deres, så jeg liker nøyaktig hvordan godbitene sammenligner med andre valg av kommersielt opprettede godbiter. Fra det synspunktet om hva som er i det, er jeg en stor fan.

Dette er god godbiter av høy kvalitet som jeg føler meg bra med å mate til hundene.

Mitt største banke mot godbitene er at Dogswell Jerky Bar -godbiter ikke bryter fra hverandre pent verken for hånd eller når den er kuttet med en kniv.

Jeg er en mester i å gjøre 1 system med hjørnetann til mange små brikker siden mange av tiden, jeg bruker godbiter til treningsformål.

Så langt oppdager jeg at godbitene er litt så vel som smuldret når jeg bryter dem opp, så vel som litt klissete i håndteringen. De er i orden for å trene, men ikke noe jeg vil oppsøke over andre alternative alternativer for å trene godbiter.

I huset vårt er det virkelig bare noen få “grunner” til at hundene får godbiter: for trening, for tygging (gevir, mobberpinner, etc.), for spesiell helse- og velvære -fornuft (tannbehandling), eller for å ta Opp tid/gode fredelige vaner (Kongs eller mange tygge gjenstander).

Noen mennesker gir hundene sine mye mer godbiter hjemme bare “fordi”, så vel som for dem, ville barene være en god passform. Jeg driver et ganske stramt skip for å holde hundene i en sunn vekt og kan få mye mer av kaloriene sine fra en mat som magen deres er vant til, så de rykkestengene fyller ikke virkelig et krav jeg har til godbiter hjemme hvis De fungerer ikke bra for trening.

Jeg kan se å ta de rykkede stolpene på turer eller turer når hundene vandrer eller bruker mye mye mer kalorier med aktivitet, og jeg vil ha en godbit med ernæringsverdi så vel som stoff.

De pakker godt så godt som pent, enkle å legge inn en folk eller hundryggsekk. De lukt også bra for hunder, ikke fattige for mennesker (som noen andre hjørnetann), i tillegg til at du ikke stinker opp vesken din der du legger dem.

De rykkbarene minner meg om klippebarer for mennesker. Flott å ha rundt for aktivitet så vel som måltidstilskudd, spesielt når vi reiser, men ikke noe du virkelig vil snappe rundt rundt i huset.

Vi var ekstremt begeistret for å prøve de rykkede stolpene. Hundene har ingen klager, i tillegg til at jeg er fornøyd med å anbefale dem med den bemerkede forklaringen om at godbitene som ikke er den enkleste å bryte fra hverandre pent.

Takk til Sean for hans vilje til å dele denne anmeldelsen! Jeg er klar over at jeg ikke kan nevne ordet rykk uten at noen spør om disse godbitene er laget i Kina. Dogswell -rykkbarene er ikke laget i Kina, ifølge en representant for Dogswell.

Hva slags godbiter har du en tendens til å kjøpe for hunden din?


How to exercise a senior pet dog

I fostered an ancient black lab named Dora a couple of years ago.

Even with pain medication, her joints were so bad I just didn’t take her for walks at all. Looking back, I wish I would’ve come up with some ways to exercise her.

Today, my own black lab mix Ace shows signs of sore joints. We still choose walks, but I no longer take him running and we don’t play as much fetch.

Ace is one of those dogs who is completely obsessed with a tennis ball, and playing fetch tends to hurt his legs. So now, we just play a game every night where we roll the tennis ball back and forth in the living room. He loves it!

With older dogs (Ace is now 10), it’s tempting not to walk them as much or even at all, especially if they have less energy or if they have joint pain.

But as you know, exercise is still crucial for older dogs, for evident reasons such as:

Vekt styring
Bonding with family members – Ace’s favorite thing is probably to go on a walk with my husband and I together
Continued socialization and training
A healthier immune system

So, generally the same reasons why we must ALL be exercising, right?

It gets a lot more challenging with an older dog, though, because you may not be able to take him running, hiking or on those off-leash pet dog park excursions.

In Ace’s case, I can’t just throw his ball 20 times to help him burn energy like I used to do. He’ll hurt his legs.

So, here are some ideas for exercising your senior dog, especially if he’s having joint issues:

Tips for exercising a senior dog

1. just do it

Don’t use a senior dog’s age as an excuse not to exercise, said lab owner Kate O’Brien.

“It’s even a lot more crucial to appropriately exercise a senior, as arthritic joints do better if they are kept loose and limber,” she said.

She also suggested massaging your pet dog after a workout.

2. multiple short walks throughout the day

Ace gets sore after a mile or so, but he also still has energy after going that distance. I used to take him on one longer walk each morning and call it good, but that doesn’t work for him anymore. Instead, I walk him for about 20 minutes in the morning and then we choose a second walk some evenings.

On the other hand, if your senior pet dog still seems to do ok on longer walks or even running sessions, that’s great! I would keep it up if it’s working. See my post on taking senior dogs running.

3. use hills

“Hills can be a great way to keep a pet dog in shape,” according to Steve Pelletier, the other blogger behind Slim Doggy.

“Seniors in particular will often show a marked weakness in their hind legs,” he said. “Which can hinder their mobility.”

He suggested to walk uphill to a lot more successfully engage the dog’s hind legs and then “zig-zag down to alleviate anxiety on the front legs.”

4. Swimming

It’s not always easy to find a convenient, controlled area to take a pet dog swimming, but if you have the option, use it!

We are fortunate to live just a 5-minute drive from the Pacific coast and ideal by a pet dog friendly beach. pet dog paddling is beneficial for Ace because it gets his heart rate up while strengthening his muscles. He also doesn’t get too hot like he often does on walks.

Playing fetch in the water vs. on land is also much easier on his joints.

5. range of motion  

Pelletier suggested a stretching exercise you can try with your senior dog.

“Have your pet dog sit, and with a treat in hand, have them follow your hand as you slowly step it away from them, and then side to side,” he said. “You can even step it back towards their flank so they get a really great stretch.”

To make this stretching exercise effective, he said the dog needs to remain in a seated or down position. It can be used as a warm-up and will “keep your older pet limber.”

SlimDoggy.com also has a great post on balancing exercises for dogs of all ages.

6. Walks in new places

Some senior dogs are well behaved in new areas, which makes it much easier to take them places. To tire out your senior without putting too much anxiety on her body, you could take her on a walk through a pet friendly store or to an event like a street fair. Ace is wiped after such events.

What do the rest of you do to exercise your senior dogs?

Gi meg beskjed i kommentarene!

Also see my posts:

Older dogs and running

My dog’s tennis ball obsession

My Dogs will never Be best Friends, and That’s ok

Are your dogs best friends?

My dogs are getting along much better lately, but they are not “friends.” I doubt they ever will be.

I have a 10-year-old lab mix named Ace and an 11-month-old Weimaraner named Remy.

For the first few months, my older canine was aggressive to our puppy, even striking him in the head and drawing blood.

Of course, it’s normal for a senior canine to appropriate a rude, rambunctious puppy, and it’s up to the owner to manage interactions and keep everyone safe.

At first, I thought my senior canine was out of line with his aggression. Our puppy was so tiny! but now that Remy is bigger and stronger and able to throw some weight around I’m realizing Ace knew what he was doing all along.

Remy typically ignores my corrections. He does not disregard Ace.

Ace is not an aggressive dog. He’s very well balanced and easy going. He’s been recruited a dozen times to help socialize anxious or aggressive dogs that would otherwise have no canine friends. So I probably should’ve given him much more credit.

Today, Remy is respectful of Ace’s growling and posturing. I see that it was good for Ace to make an impression while Remy was so small. I still supervise them, but I no longer worry about Ace being too aggressive. Remy knows Ace doesn’t want to play and to leave him alone, respect his space.

But are my dogs friends?

Ha! Ikke en sjanse.

A common comment I get from readers goes like, “Oh, they’ll be pals in no time.” Or, “My dogs are inseparable. yours will be too!”

I am practically positive this will never happen with my dogs.

(But I do appreciate the positive opinions!)

My two cats are best friends. I find Beamer and Scout curled up in the same bed or the same basket, grooming each other or playing like kittens even though they’re both getting old. It’s cute to have animals that love each other like those two seem to.

I doubt Ace will ever allow Remy to curl up beside him. and Remy knows better than to try!

We’ve fostered about 15 dogs over the years, and Ace was never “best buds” with any of them, at least not until after they were adopted and we saw them in other environments, like walks.

Some dogs don’t need other dogs as playmates.

Some dogs do not particularly care to interact or engage with other dogs, at least not in an enthusiastic way.

For some dogs, simply lying calmly in the same room is their version of “affection.”

Ace has a few canine pals he gets thrilled to spend time with (some of you know who I’m talking about!), but those dogs are rare and those dogs are extra special. They are the dogs Ace associates with hikes, walks and probably their owners! and these are dogs that respect Ace’s space, asking for nothing much more than to opt for a walk.

Ace doesn’t cuddle up to any of his canine friends. Ace doesn’t even cuddle up to ME!

There’s little chance that Remy will ever win Ace over in that way. At best, I can hopefully get them to run and play together outside. (This hasn’t happened yet.)

But I did not get a puppy to be Ace’s playmate. Ace has never needed a playmate.

I got a puppy to be my running, hiking and agility dog. Remy is already doing a terrific job. (If you’re thinking of getting a second dog, make sure it’s really for YOU and not your other dog.)

And … if you have two dogs, they may or may not be best friends. Don’t push it or count on it.

People will probably tell you your dogs will be “best friends” in no time, but that’s not always the case.

Hopefully, they’ll at least get along. That’s all I ask of my two, and even that’s a stretch for some dogs.

Dogs are individuals, and the main thing is we each understand our own dogs and keep our expectations realistic.

Hva med deg?

Are your dogs best friends? Did that happen best away or over time?

These dogs (and a pony) like the snow!

I pledge sometime soon I’ll function some dogs on a sunny beach, however for now let’s deal with the truth that in a lot of areas of the country it is still cold. That doesn’t seem to bother these dogs!

Thank you to those who sent in their pictures (Lindsay@ThatMutt.com) or published them to That Mutt’s Facebook page. You can send your outside pet dog or feline pictures to Lindsay@ThatMutt.com.

How chilly is it in your area this week? It’s a brutal 71 degrees Fahrenheit right here in the San Diego area as I compose this. ?

1 – Linus

2 – Jake

3 – Ace

4 – Buffy

5 – Dutch

6 – Kuma



9 – P.I.T.A. the pony

10 – Suki


12 – Jake

13 – Baxter

14 – Harley, Diva as well as Suki

15 – Chevy as well as Dupont

16 – Bailey as well as Colt

17 – Baxter

18 – friend as well as Ace

19 – Zeke as well as Drake

20 – Ace

21 – Suki










Send your outside pet dog pictures to Lindsay@ThatMutt.com.


American Eskimo dog for adoption in Fargo

I have become very picky about which dogs I will foster.

I have no interest in a high-energy foster dog. I do not have the patience for kennel training. I do not have the right set-up for working through dog separation anxiety. I don’t have the energy for a puppy. I won’t take anything that’s aggressive towards other animals, especially since I have cats.

Cosmo Kramer is the perfect foster dog for me (To foster a dog means to provide him with a loving home until he gets adopted). He is by far the easiest foster dog I’ve ever had.

Cosmo is quiet in his kennel. He prefers to lie around the house, and he could care less if I come and go.

He doesn’t bother my cats, doesn’t chew anything, doesn’t try to pee in the house. He gets along great with my mutt Ace. He does not add extra stress to my life.

Cosmo – the American Eskimo dog

Cosmo is one of those dogs who doesn’t ask for much. He’s fine with what he has.

I can see that this has worked for and against Cosmo throughout his nine years.

I didn’t get a chance to meet Cosmo’s original owner. I don’t know if Cosmo had an intense bond with this elderly person or if he spent eight or nine years as a very anxious dog – the dog he appears to be now. I don’t know if this person treated him well or treated him poorly.

I also didn’t meet the person who surrendered Cosmo to 4 Luv of dog Rescue after the owner died. I don’t know if this person tried to make it work living with Cosmo.

What I do know – it’s painfully obvious – is that no one has ever had any expectations for this dog.

Cosmo may have been a wonderful companion. He may have been a good listener or a good walking buddy or a good snuggler. He may have been someone’s best friend.

But Cosmo has never known what it’s like to truly be a good dog.

The reason for this is that he’s fine just existing.

Cosmo naps under the kitchen table or rests in various corners of the house. He doesn’t follow me from room to room, rarely asks for attention, hardly ever barks.

But because he is not needy, I haven’t taken much time to bond with or really get to know this animal yet. I haven’t trained him or walked him as much as I normally finish with my foster dogs, and he’s spent two weeks with me already.

That’s my loss, because Cosmo is a sweet dog. I see this every time he methods me and waits for a neck or butt rub. I see this every time he accepts “noogies” or belly scratches. I see it when two or three times throughout the day, he nudges me – “oh, hai.”

On the other hand, Cosmo is an uptight creature.

Physically, he’s lazy. Mentally, he’s nervous (Aren’t we all?). He doesn’t trust me 100 percent and probably never will.

He seems to be a one-person dog, as he was likely an “only child” in his previous home and in many ways, very spoiled!

From what I’ve read about the American Eskimo breed, they are very friendly dogs, eager to please and eager to learn. Cosmo is extremely treat motivated, but he is lacking in the “eager to please” department. I’m assuming he’s never been challenged to learn, so he doesn’t understand the fulfillment most dogs get from making a person happy!

Instead, he just wants treats, and he wants them now! “Bark-bark. Yap-yap. Mer!”

At nine years old, Cosmo is just now catching on that working for food is not so bad. He expects treats instantly for doing anything, but I am not amazed with a one-second sit. I am, however, amazed with a five- or 10-second sit! good boy, Cosmo! Jippi!

So that’s where I’m at with him. He’s a great dog. He could take me or leave me, probably, but I still love’m ?

If you or someone you know many be interested in adopting Cosmo, send an email to Lindsay@ThatMutt.com.

He is up for adoption with 4 Luv of dog Rescue in Fargo. He is neutered and up to date on shots. (Edit: Cosmo has been adopted!)

More details on COZ-O-MO!

Well, what do you want to know? I call him “Coz” for short. Or just “Mo.”

Cosmo is kennel trained, housebroken and just fine having the run of the place. He sleeps all day and all night, but he loves to go for walks any time. He doesn’t bark unless he sees a strange dog or person, or if you get out the treats!

He gets stressed easily – doesn’t do well with kids reaching for his face or with anyone who grabs at his collar. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone, but he does growl or snap when he’s uncomfortable.

He is a gentle dog, not “dominant” by any means. My cats pick on him just because they can.

Cosmo needs someone who will slowly help build his confidence, someone who will stretch his boundaries without putting too much pressure on him. He needs someone who understands how dogs really work. He doesn’t need someone who’s just going to baby him.

Cosmo needs someone to love hjeg er.

Å, det var ikke for makulering? (10 bilder)

Har hunden din fått problemer i det siste? Jeg er så glad for at jeg aldri har kommet hus for å oppdage et rot, heller som alle typer av disse … selv om vi har fostret i tillegg til at de har tatt vare på noen få makuleringsmaskiner før. Noen hunder tåler bare ikke?

Hva er det verste hunden din strimlet? Jeg må oppgi at vi kom hus for å oppdage søpla rundt plassen når eller to ganger, så vel som det ikke var hunden som var skyldig. Det var en spesifikk solbrun tabby katt!

Send de frekke hundebildene dine til lindsay@thatmutt.com for å få dem omtalt i et kommende innlegg.











Send de frekke hundebildene dine til lindsay@thatmutt.com.


Vital essentials Raw Bar for Dogs – healthy Raw snacks

healthy pet dog Snacking at the crucial essentials Raw Bar

One of the pet food brands that gained my depend on after I switched my dogs Missy & Buzz over to a raw diet in 2015 is crucial essentials (VE).

I first came across crucial essentials at the global Pet Expo in Orlando in 2016 and really took pleasure in seeing the products they had on display. (This post is not sponsored.)

Vital essentials uses pre-made, frozen raw pet dog food meals that come in a variety of shapes (patties, chubs, tiny patties, nibblets). They also make freeze-dried raw snacks for dogs.

I gotten crucial Essential’s frozen nibblets a few times at an independently owned pet retail store when I ran low on raw food for the pups.

And last year I purchased their freeze-dried snacks on a regular basis from the crucial essentials Raw Bar at the same store (VE Raw Bar).

It ended up being one of Missy’s & my favorite activities when her progressing cancer had slowed her down to the point that she couldn’t go on longer walks anymore.

To make up for it and keep her mentally engaged, we’d go on automobile rides instead, and one of our favorite destinations was naturally Unleashed in Fayetteville, NC. It has a VE Raw Bar inside the store.

One time, Missy helped herself to a pig ear while I was checking out.

Her brother Buzz was behaving and sitting nicely, but Missy, being the slave to her stomach that she is, put up her front paws onto the VE Raw Bar display area that was ideal behind me and pulled a pig ear out of its display container.

I apologized profusely to the checkout clerk who just grinned from one ear to the other…of course I ended up paying for Missy’s pig ear and also gotten one for Buzz.

There was no way that I’d be mad about her behavior. It actually made me delighted to see she was still strong enough to do a little shopping on her own.

Different Proteins from the VE Raw Bar

As the name “Bar” suggests, crucial essentials uses a variety of freeze-dried pet dog snacks, all sourced & made in the USA:

Duck Feet & Necks
Chicken Necks
Turkey Necks, Wings & Tails
Pig Ears & Snouts
Beef Pizzles & Weasands
Salmon Skins
Cod Skins

Different sizes & price Points

As you can tell from the list above, the snacks from the VE Bar are whole cuts of freeze-dried, raw meat that come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are also different price points, so there’s something in there for every size pet dog and wallet.

Smaller items like the chicken necks & duck feet are between $1-$1.50, while larger items like pig ears, bully sticks, and duck heads are between $2-$4.50.

Missy’s & Buzz’s favorites were duck heads and pig ears, and both were the best size snack for the pups.

Benefits of crucial essentials Raw Bar items

Besides being sourced & made in the USA, all crucial essentials Raw Bar items are made without the addition of any:

or synthetic vitamins & minerals.

Knowing this has become incredibly crucial to me as a pet dog mommy and supplies the peace of mind that my money was well spent on healthy, single-ingredient doggie snacks rather than highly processed ones where you can’t be sure what’s really in them.

See my post on diy dehydrated pet dog treats.

I’m one of those people who wants to know what goes into my dog’s body, and who will read the ingredient list of any bag of pet dog treats or food that I purchase. The appeal of single-ingredient treats of course is that there is no list of ingredients, but only a single one!

While I didn’t need to avoid any protein sources with Buzz, I knew that Missy did poorly with lamb. I found out that she was allergic to that particular protein after having taken a bioenergetic scan from a company called Pet Medella.

It doesn’t get any much easier avoiding a certain protein source than with single-ingredient treats, so if you’re aware that your pooch doesn’t do well on lamb, don’t choose the lamb weasand but get a turkey tail instead (or any other protein).

Of course, these snacks also keep your dog’s teeth clean and help entertain him when you need a little break, especially the bull pizzle and pig ear.

They’ll last even longer if you pop them into the freezer overnight, or even for just a few hours. They might also make a good motivator for crate training if your pup is food motivated.

Vital essentials is terrific for transitioning to raw pet dog food

The crucial essentials Raw Bar items are a terrific option to dip your toes into raw feeding waters.

You won’t have to deal with thawing, cutting and portioning out larger cuts of raw meat and can get used to managing feet, heads, hearts etc. in a firm, dry shape.

I don’t think the VE Raw Bar items existed back in 2015 when I made the switch to raw; at least I don’t remember seeing them anywhere. I absolutely would have started feeding them to make the transition much easier on me!

By the way – tHan appellerer til frysetørkede godbiter er at de ikke trenger å bli rehydrert i det hele tatt. De kan mates som den er, så det blir ikke rotete.

Hvor du kan få VE Raw Bar -varene

Jeg sjekket Amazon for å se om noen av VE Raw Bar-varene er tilgjengelige på nettet, men den eneste jeg fant var frysetørkede mobberpinner.

VE Bar -varene er generelt en detaljhandel, så du må sjekke selskapets butikklokator for å finne et detaljhandelsted som bærer merkevaren og deres rå bar snacks.

Jeg fant imidlertid flere andre frysetørkede avgjørende Essentials-godbiter på Amazon:

Minnows (en liten fisk, valpene mine likte dem virkelig!)
Kyllinghjerter og bryster
Oksekjøtt (deres pose på 1 pund er en veldig god avtale, jeg har fått den før)
Kyllingnibber (også tilgjengelig i storfekjøtt, kalkun eller and)

Sannheten blir fortalt og alle helsemessige fordeler til side, jeg gleder meg ærlig med å ødelegge valpene mine, og å se dem sikle i påvente av deres deilige doggie -snacks gir meg den største gleden.

Jeg er alltid i ekstase når jeg finner ut om et merkevare av kjæledyrhund, hvis produkter mine valper går bonkers for, og avgjørende nødvendigheter har sjekket av den boksen stor tid.

Lær mye mer om merkevarens produkter her. (Dette innlegget er ikke sponset.)

Hvordan ødelegger du hunden din?

Har du en favoritt rå kjæledyrhundemat eller merkevare -merkevare? Gi oss beskjed i kommentarene!

Barbara Rivers skriver ofte for den mutten. Hun er blogger, Raw Feeder og Pet Dog Walker og opprettholder bloggen K9s over kaffe.

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